Khal Droog

I learned which Hepatitis I have (HepB represent!) in a similar fashion.

I can’t speak to the legitimacy of the Bennett photo, but I do know this picture is real and it pisses me off. Really, though, we all kind of secretly knew.

Naive question maybe... is Viceland as bad as Vice? Is it just one big cesspool, or is it quite separate? I’m specifically asking because I love Desus and Mero.

Ugh but Desus & Mero is sooo good

Having competed in Quiz Bowl for years, he’s not wrong. You can only write so many questions about trivia.

Got to start them young! These prison’s aren’t going to fill themselves.

The problem here seems to be that the kids stole the pills instead of receiving them from a sketchy team doctor?

You forgot this one...

Dana White and Reebook clothing contracts, mostly.

WWE fans are now standing up against racism? I don’t know what to believe in anymore.

wut dafaq u tlking bout bruh

...and flipping his bat again LIKE A GODDAMN BOSS.