
I can't see why he was hired in the first place. I have yet to meet someone who has used SAP and would choose to associate with someone who was in any way responsible for its existence.

Can't google avoid this by listing their service(s) (if they're not the top search result) in the sponsored results section? So if is the number 2 result when someone searches for "map", it'd still appear at the top as a sponsored result.

Both of ours are air conditioned. One of the few perks of working with temperature, humidity, and UV sensitive products.

Woops. I was under the impression the liquid contained some sort of refined tobacco.

Banning ecigs is probably because the airline has a tobacco free blanket policy to ban smoking and chewing.

Facebook, Hulu, and Amazon seem to have the hang of subscriber-based advertising with relatively little information about them, so their process may be extremely complicated, it's possible. Imagine what could be done if all 3 were combined (eg. Hulu asks for your Facebook and Amazon login, then knows your wishlist,

Why isn't the advertising targeted better? The cable company knows my age, gender, address, shows I'm interested in, etc. as well as nearly my entire web browsing history, why can't they show me an ad for something I might actually want?

A friend's dog has that problem and some estrogen pills from the vet have worked wonders (even though she'll have to be on them forever).

What's 20,000% greener than green?

On a related note. I watched part of a football game yesterday - after being shown a commercial during every >10 second pause, I would've certainly failed any concentration/attentiveness test.

"And yes, he glows in the dark.

Unless it's the Ferrari F 125 Factorial, which I'm certainly hoping for.

Yep, works fine for me. I'm curious how the wireless mirroring will change things in the next couple months - it could potentially turn all the video streaming apps into AirPlay-enabled-ish apps, which would be awesome for abc video, hulu, etc.

These are for hipsters, not cyclists.

You could have a password-less guest account set to automatically login and have keyloggers et al set to run.

This is how I've been making rintones for years. You just have to change the file extension from .m4a to .m4r and you're set.

You know, after reading through customer questions on Apple products, this doesn't surprise me in the least. Here's a gem from Apple's HDMI cable: "What cable do I need to connect a MacBook pro to an hdmi tv? I think it requires a USB connection".

One point worth noting - homework is basically free points. You generally have unlimited resources and plenty of time, things you'll rarely have on an exam.

I used mathematica in college for writing down notes in math, physics, and engineering courses. Copy and paste-ing is extremely useful in formula derivations, and once you get the keyboard shortcuts down, it can be faster than handwriting.