
My thoughts exactly!

Especially on a phone where you're paying by the bit.

It could just be my eyes playing tricks on me (or the curve in the shift knob), but it looks like you have to go slightly towards 6th, then right & up to get into 7th.

I haven't tried this yet, but it seems like enabling VPN on a media server could essentially turn Home Sharing into the streaming part of iTunes match. I doubt it would be integrated as nicely though.

It's about time Apple comes along with an AirPlay management utility. It'd be nice to be able to terminate/override an AirPlay connection (my music plays to the Airport Express instead of yours) or enable some more advanced settings (decline AirPlay requests between 10 PM & 7 AM). While they're at it, maybe they'll be

There is so much more potential that cable companies aren't taking advantage of. Current advertising as targeted terribly (yes comcast, please oh please show me more commercials for comcast).

Just adding a TV tuner to the current Apple TV to provide OTA broadcasting (combined with netflix) would be enough for me to cancel cable tv. Comcast et al should be terrified and start cutting prices, offering more features, etc.

That actually looks pretty darn cool!

Didn't even know that existed. Now to check ebay to see what they're running for these days...

I forgot about hidden partitions, thanks for that. I'm mostly interested in protecting data from computers stolen or otherwise taken from home.

I know (and have read horror stories) of a few people having their personal computers confiscated as part of an investigation, airport security, etc. What security steps would you take to protect your data in such a scenario?

I drove a ranger for two years during college; it was a miserable experience. Since hardly anyone can drive a manual transmission anymore, "borrowing" my truck ended up becoming "being chauffeured in" it. The cab only holds 1.5 passengers, and I can't count the number of times I was asked to help someone I hardly knew

So now we can't eat the white snow either?

Haha yeah. It sucks to see any form of communication labeled as "the bad one" since no matter what the technology is, pervs will perv.

They can't have private interactions online? Isn't asking what your grade is or why you lost points for x a private interaction? Great.

You forgot facebook.

I'd rather just avoid bumps and get some good shorts than spend $2k+ on a new bike. If the road's bumpy, don't put all of your weight on the saddle - your legs can absorb vibration much cheaper than steel alloy circles.

Tell that to my dog.

My first thought too. I'm really hoping Apple TV gets apps soon.