
Good for you. Maybe one day you’ll stop commenting on articles for a show you’re not even watching.

That Chekhov’s Gun is definitely going to go off before the end of the season.

The line “every village from here to Orodruin” is not one that should go unnoticed.

Having no exposure to the comics at all, I actually had the complete opposite experience - I was enthralled. Impeccable casting, amazing performances, engaging stories... I’m obsessed. And the bonus episode, just wow. 

maybe i missed it or it was on AV club, but i only saw the slide show “things liked/ didn’t like” and a piece on how accurate it would be to compared to comic. I don’t recall a spoiler discussion. I don’t know how hard it would be to get interviews with cast members. While i never clicked on it I will say having that

In terms of coverage, I was honestly just surprised that the show didn’t get a review here on io9. Especially since the comics are considered a hugely influential work that I am embarrassed to admit I never got far into until this year, and even now have only gotten up to the issues that the bonus episode adapted. I

Changes from the comics. How forward thinking Gaiman was in developing his characters over 30 years ago. How the show doesn’t fit the typical linear story-lines of most TV shows.

DWtweeter was up in arms over Ten returning the other day. They were convinced Jodi will have some “hiccup” in her regen, whereupon 10 steps back in for a few adventures before becoming Ncuti. @_@

12 years of Tennant fanatics coming up with increasingly asinine and contrived ways of shoving him back in the show. 

Because there’s been nothing to suggest he’s a large part of it. It’s filming now, or has filmed. His first season doesn’t start filming until the end of this year/beginning of 2023. There’s a good chance he’s not featured in it - he might not appear til the end. He’s got other obligations as well, so it may very well

THIS! I expected io9 to be all over this brilliant adaptation — we are so lucky that it exists! Aside from one listicle slide show 7 DAYS LATER, there’s been weird silence. I miss Observation Deck. 

Love this opinion — 100% agreed! Adored this and looking forward to hopefully getting more! (Hoping Gaiman fixes A Game of You to be less of a slog — Barbie is one of my least favorite storylines.)

yeah but they didn’t make a genderbent John. Joanna Constantine is a character in the comics, and in this series she become another anomaly. She’s not ‘the lady version’ of John, she’s a continuation of her own, original character arc and she replaced john’s storyline with her own. they’re two different characters,

I just don’t think you can sustain that look for an entire series. It would be cool to have his appearance change subtly throughout, but the black eyes would have made him hard to relate to onscreen. As with Despair’s redesign, it’s just a case of things working in the comics that wouldn’t in live action.

Now that I am thinking on it. I wonder if part of the comics more surreal vibe comes from using different artists for each issue. To shoot for a different look for each episode, though probably would have been a nightmare.  

They have only just today finally posted something (a slideshow) about it. I have been checking the damn site daily since Friday looking for ANY mention of it. You know, for a work so seminal to modern fantasy comics, I would have expected them to say SOMETHING.

Pretty sure the rule around here is, “If you don’t have anything negative to write, don’t write anything at all.”

It seems like lately, io9 will only cover Star Trek, Game of Thrones, and Marvel and run the same three stories about them.

I enjoyed it so much that I literally watched all 10 episodes on Saturday. I ignored all of my chores and other plans for the day, and watched the entire thing.

Its *almost* like this site only talks about the shows and films they are paid too. Unless they can score some rage-clicks, of course.