
Just finished episode 6, and loving the hell out of it.

io9 and AV Club coverage frequently overlaps, especially when it’s anything on Disney+, so I don’t buy the “well AV Club already reviewed it” line. The silence from io9 is weird. The Sandman is an adaptation of a hugely influential and highly regarded work. I guess their posts covering the trailers didn’t get enough

yeah the AV club review confused me as I have found the show pretty good so far (I’m halfway through episode 8)

Ahh, a re-write of Drew Magary’s article on Defector.

This is one series where that would totally be justified.

 You're too stupid to have an opinion, be quiet. 

This is just a random list, yes?

 Bring back Stacy Abrams, I want to see the racists cry again. 

Man, I’m not even much into Who like I used to be, but having Morrison write even a couple episodes of the show would get me back in like Flynn.

Person of Interest was really cool tho.

If I might suggest a show where David Mitchell humorously offers acid-tinged judgments on America and Americans?

I had the privilege of seeing this movie in New York City when it was first released. When, at the end, the Enterprise pulled up behind the Reliant, and everyone realized that Kirk had outwitted Khan, the crowd went crazy. It was a film moment I am unlikely to forget.

Everything in the first episode was just setup and had me worried about the season, but once everything kicks into high gear in episode three it’s pretty great. If anything I think it gets bogged down a bit in all the Eleven scenes and they could have cut those down to trim the runtime. My biggest complaint is that

Yeah we just finished episode 4 last night, I’m genuinely surprised that the pacing is actually ... fine?

I kind of agree, it was just the first part of the show this season that slogged for me. Especially a bunch of stuff with El/Mike/Will/Jonathan that ultimately didn’t seem to serve much of a purpose (did we need SEVERAL scenes of El vs. stuck up mean girl? or would one have been enough?)

That show had some great ones. I also quite liked the use of Radiohead’s “Exit Music (For a Film)“ in the season 3 finale

So many good music choices in that show, it’s hard to pick just one.

It’s just too bad Caveziel (sp?) became so crazy. I still enjoy the show and I’m able to separate the art from the artist, but damn that guy's nuts.

While I agree that one is great, I am partial to Reese’s rampage of revenge to Johnny Cash - Hurt.  God I loved that show.

If by “Ratatouille which is way too high as it is” you mean that it’s too high on this page, and that it should be lower (i.e., receive a higher numerical ranking), than yes. Otherwise... no. Oh, no. No no no no no. Just... just no.