One reason that everyone hates you is you are online.
One reason that everyone hates you is you are online.
You do not. There’s nothing racial about calling someone Fredo in any way, shape, or form. This is the lesser sibling of a rich, powerful family using the language of oppression to defend himself from a public freak out and his friends and allies bending over backwards to allow him to do so.
I immediately assumed that his sibling being among the dead was relevant to his motive, and this only bolsters this belief, particularly paired with the knowledge of his misogyny in other aspects of his life.
@RobbieAmell is outside pumping up a football
Can’t wait for Trump to tweet this is further proof that we need the wall to make sure this kind of violence stays in Mexican cities like El Paso.
yes they are
Well, at least she (Hillary) picked a person of color, Herman Kaine.
Look man, I get it. Sanders is your man. But pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-gun control, pro-DREAMer, pro-free college is your idea of a Republican?
I wouldn’t know, I don’t see color, only character,
A Word Salad Shooter, if you will.
Trump Will NOT Lose to Sleeping Man.
This indecently long post that somehow used witchcraft to get me to scroll through the whole thing is definitely haunted.
we have to throw innocent people in cages. to own the conservatives.
The #MeToo movement involved occasionally disproportionate punishments for a variety of crimes and misdemeanors that were previously ignored. The fact that #MeToo swept up serial rapists and handsy creeps at the same time was the consequence of having previously ignored an endless tide of harassment and abuse. The…
Truman, you can Carter off to jail, but Grant me this: If you just Fillmore prison cells, it won’t solve anything. It would be-Hoover to reform her ways, so we should Taylor the punishment to the crime.
Its all about knowing the language of the street.
no, i’m referring to her turning around the next day and announcing “don’t worry, I’m not in favor of busing YOUR children, my beloved supporters”