
Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

How the fuck is this news to anyone? Tarantino is a fucking hack and a thief.Why would you not think him a msiogyniost and rape apologist? The little punk likes to throw the N word around like he’s down, but everything that little scumbag learned about black people he learned from watching “Beretta” reruns while

The hood of the BMW i3 opens mechanically from the inside. There is an access door and a cable to be pulled. No wires having to be dug out and then powered from an outside source. That’s incredibly dumb on Tesla’s part.

Here we are now, tent in phases

It should if the award is for being important to video games. Sexual harasser or not, he still deserves this game related award.

Speaking as a huge Jalopnik fan, the tone of this article is honestly unbecoming of this site. I enjoy a bit of snark, this just comes across as mean-spirited.

It’s an obvious tell that he’s one pound shy of the number that would classify him as obese according to the chart. I’m confident that they shaved the number down from whatever it is to 239.

He prefers gorillas.

“a freaky sci-fi movie in which Livingston drains Kirkland of life by pressing their foreheads together.”

And dozens of them are in the Wu-Tang Clan.

He’ll lead the league in steals, is what I’m saying.

Shit, him and Obama are the only two of the last five Presidents of any party to not be a serial sexual assaulter. But, depending on what party one supports, one will overlook at least one of these serial sexual assaulters.

Best Denver-area food challenge performance by a journalist since Maureen Dowd.

I would have thought the article made no sense. I mean Obama’s oldest daughter wasn’t even born yet when Cobain died. Now we are supposed to believe a baby dyed her hair blue? The whole story would fall apart.

Bomberman just walked right by me and pretended to not even know who I was. Dude has a Switch game now and he’s too cool to even say hi.

That’s because they have the 49th lowest gas tax, as well as significant local refining capacity, not because the extra labor costs aren’t an issue.

His excuse that he was just "three sheets to the wind" isn't going to help.

That's like threatening to fight every heterosexual at a Melissa Etheridge concert.