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    TU 95 civilian airliner was the fastest of its time. Used to be the presidential plane too

    Sad isn’t the 1st emotion that comes to mind. Its facinating as fuck. USSR had its day. USSA collapse cant be far off

    F 16 should be the least of the 35's concerns

    Welfare and socialist crap is way worse. If it wasn\t for the welfare complex, the fastest jets in the world would not be in museums.

    You expect your politically correct definitions to get this right ?

    Pol Pot, Mao and Stalin were atheists yet this guy is talking about beings in the sky. Muslims apologists stand in the way of real reform. They have blood on their hands

    All of them execpt Islam. Maybe because Islam in not a religion but an ideology.

    Fuck you retard. Islam is an ideology. Not a religion.

    Because if the US didn’t thaw relations , Putin would be in there inking oil and gas deals. Arms deals ect for the next 10 years.

    OT but did you guys know of Challengerski ? Abandoned Soviet space shuttle

    Putin forced the US to do this even though the US is dressing it up as new diplomacy from the heart.

    we don’t care.

    They want to get in before Putin makes a million deals with them

    no bypass engines on these things ?

    i didnt even notice till you bitched about it

    Pak fa in a Condor

    Im just doing some research. Any quick comments would help.

    That’s a complete and total crock of fucking shit that I don’t have time for.

    Pretty hard to go broke when you have no net debt.