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    Huh huh. We will see how the USSA does with their stuff after they go bankrupt in due time.

    Best movie EVER.


    I didn’t site RT as a source. I was just showing a discussion of the issues. Because there is a real story here beyhond the American headlines.


    Wow the arrogance.


    Just like the US siezed California and many other parts of the world.

    You know what.. You are the arrogant one if you really think that the Chinese just woke up one morning and decided “ lets go play agressive somewhere” “Hey how about right here”.

    Do some people really truely think that there isn’t 2 sides to the China sea story ?


    low top speed compared to SU 35

    College is a debt scam for the Education industrial complex. At least the F 35 looks cool.

    doesn’t Australia already fly these pos

    How many times have you explained whataboutism ? I present facts regularly.

    Like the Germans and Japanse tried to do. With all of the usual tactics.

    What the fuck are you talking about you fucking moron. JFC am I ever losing patients with this shit.

    The new buzzword for the “do as i say and not as I do USA” Whataboutism!

    Looks like an XB Valkyrie had sex with a helicopter.