
My anti-climate, anti-choice parents are going to be getting a nice thank you letter from Greenpeace and NARAL this Christmas.

Right? These assholes and their hatred of PC culture despise words like “trigger warnings” yet they are triggered so fucking easily. Don’t forget that they’re also boycotting Hamilton, a show that they can’t even get into.

Bernie for President! Oh...wait...

It’s not bad enough that the networks cater to “middle america” which is ridiculous, the #1 show is still NCIS with 20m viewers. Now we have to cater to “rural america”? How stupid are we in this country. Isn’t the point of watching shows to get out of your daily life and see something different and inspire you to be

The “snowflake” thing went out the window when Trump+Pence complained about the theater (which was laughable anyway, the cast simply asked him to be fair to everyone and Trump called that rude).

I prefer how the right wing always prefaces doing something they know is wrong by saying they are not doing it. Liek she’s saying she isn’t complaining...but she clearly is.

They really do, don’t they?

My holiday card this year says “Happy Holidays” in ten different languages and I’m giving them to all my miserable Republican neighbors along with $25 donated to “liberal” causes in their names.

Kelloggs used to unknowingly run ads on breitbart. People alerted them to this and they decided to stop. And conservatives have now taken issue with a corporations sincerely held belief that they don’t want to be associated with white supremacy.

Right? I feel like we’re in the mess we’re in now because they got their wittle fee fees hurt because most of us believe that everyone should be treated nicely and equally. How dare we!

My holiday card this year says “Happy Holidays” in ten different languages and I’m giving them to all my miserable Republican neighbors along with $25 donated to “liberal” causes in their names.

stating that you arent complaining about the unfairness of an interview is complaining about the interview.

“It’s Merry Christmas, not happy holidays, and if you think otherwise,you’re part of the War on Christmas!”

I have to laugh that it’s always the left labeled special snowflakes when grown ass adult Trump supporters are fighting with Broadway, Starbucks and Kelloggs all at once. Boycott Froot Loops and Pop-Tarts!


Clearly, she should go fuck herslef, but as Trevor noted, she won. Her brand of hatred and anti-intellectual nonsense won. We can ignore it, or we can engage it. I think Trevor did a decent job of that in this interview.

I think Trevor, of all people on TV, is the one person that can take her on. She is looking for the conflict and anger, that is all she has. I hope he takes his Apartheid experience and takes these white nationalists to task.

Wait, wait, wait. The Daily Show has had figures from both sides of the table. She’s a crazy person, yes, but why are we upset by her appearing on a talk show that discusses politics from all “walks”.

I hate her too. But I listened very intently to the show and Trevor is the only person I’ve seen make her squirm. While I wish to hell he would have pushed her much harder, but at least he showed she is all talk and no substance.