
Let’s get this Catch-22 out in the open.

this is what happens when help is not available.

Great. Just fucking great. Now, since 2012, three women have been prosecuted for abortion.

this is what happens when help is not available.  

Hey Locomotive Jones: You can keep responding to me, but I dismiss the second I see your name without even reading your inane comments. FYI, fucker.

Vaguely related: I wish this were real. Take that Trump, you rotten orange peel of a hypocritical president elect.

“I am the only one who knows who the finalists are”

Guys, if you can, and even if it isn’t much, support the Guardian. They reported on several scandals other ignored (Homan square -illegal prison in Chicago-, torture by the military, counting the killed by police while no official stats exist, the Greenwald analysis) AND they follow up on issues (Flint, corruption).

How we are all feeling right now.

Robby Mook and the DNC deserve the shade. Albert Morales, the DNC Hispanic Engagement Director up until the middle of 2016, asked for $3 million to boost Latino turnout and they gave him $300,000. Bill Clinton supposedly asked several times if he could go to the rust belt (granted, they do blame him for NAFTA) but

Obama also said that Trump isn’t an idealist, he’s pragmatic. I took that to mean he has no actual beliefs but instead will do and say whatever it takes to get people to like him.

Two things: First, Obama is an amazing, once-in-a-generation (or -lifetime) politician. I’ve not been able to stop thinking about how deftly he delivered those trump-burns at the WH Press Correspondents Dinner three (?) years ago and also kept on him during this campaign. But after the election, he’s totally flipped

If only Obama didn’t openly mock him at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in 2011 I wonder if we would be in a whole different political landscape right now. I mean, I don’t blame Obama for mocking Trump, but he is so vindictive that I wouldn’t be surprised if he decided to run just to spite Obama and try to

Oh please, he might leave office with 60% approval, Obama would have beaten Trump by 5-10 million votes and won the Electoral college with between 350 and 400 votes lets not kid ourselves.

Hearing the news that Trump has accepted Obama’s mentorship and reading this today actually makes me feel better for the first time since Tuesday. God I will miss having Barack and Michelle in the White House but if he can keep Trumps ear for any time at all I feel like things might just be okay. Obama knows how to

President Barack Obama is classier in his pinky finger than Donald Trump is in his entire being.

So well spoken, intelligent, and reasonable. No way he would ever get elected today.

I didn’t get to listen to the entire press conference but during all the parts I did hear, I noticed that Obama avoided mentioning our president-elects name, except for once. He specifically used “incoming president” or “president-elect”. He must have taken a cue from his wife, which made me happy. Let’s all do the

“Nobody cares about the socialist label”???? These people have been “slandering” Obama with the “socialist label” for years.

Look at our President Elect. It’s the fucking 1950's.