
He’s now said that he actually likes parts of Obamacare and wants to keep them:

Power to you for getting it together enough to go to the interview. I’m proud of you, Hill would be proud of you. If those misogynist fuckers don’t choose you it is their loss, you will lick your wounds and keep going, because we are women and that is what we do. And someone in on here will network and help you find

Some how, in my mind, Hillary has gone from being my political candidate of choice to, like, my mom. I want to be like her, and I will fuck someone up to defend her.

On election day this week, I found out that I got an interview with Boeing for a paid internship this summer. I was elated. It is literally the path to my dream job. I was prepared to get smashingly drunk that night to celebrate getting an interview opportunity and seeing the first woman President. We bought champagne

I thank you for the integrity you have. You lose a sick day from your bank instead of pissing in their food. You’re better than many.

Someone responded to my post about me crying and that I am not emotional usually, they told me I was stupid for crying over an election and that actually I am hysterical. I have no energy right now to fight back with words so I dismissed the fucker but I don’t think he knows what the definition of hysterical is and by

Are you being willfully obtuse or are you just that privileged? People aren’t just bummed that their pick didn’t win, as I was when GWB took office. People certainly aren’t accusing Trump of not being American, or of being a Muslim, as they did when Obama took office. PEOPLE ARE SCARED SHITLESS. And rightly so,

Also not my first lady. Still wondering how she paid for an apartment at Zeckendorf Towers back when she was an illegal mid-level model, before she made the Donald her fulltime client. She’s a mean-eyed gold digger who has shown no self respect and thinks it’s cute that “she’s got two little boys.” So, fair game

“He’s black and we hate him” are not good reasons. Trump repeatedly questioned Obama’s legitimacy and gave rise to the birther movement. If you still think that makes me saying #notmypresident ironic, OK, fine. I accept my hypocrisy. But I do see a difference.

He is the president.

Anyone who gave you shit is a LOSER! See I can say that because it is going to make me President someday. Fuck them! My rage as not subsided nor will it.

“...a sulfite-infested hunk of commercial dried papaya...”


You should be able to get those signs pretty cheap from all the Republicans that bought them in 2008 and don’t need them anymore.

When does Mike Pence tweet the denials that Trump ever wrote that? So the press can say, “Okay. Now about Hillary’s emails...”

I posted a pic of the “Not My President” sign that’s in my window and a lot of people on here gave me shit about it. You can respect the law (yes, he is my president) while symbolically rejecting everything the man stands for (no, he will never be my president). Good for these kids. Once the dust is settled I hope

I plan to give Trump every ounce of respect that the right showed to Obama for the last eight years.

Today on my campus: