
i don’t understand the public school, do they think the doctors are gonna get confused and try to abort a kindergartner?!?!

Did you just...come out of a coma or something?

Maybe Barack is in this with us and this whole speech was a ploy to nudge her into a run.

tbh the fact that she doesn’t want to be president makes her even more qualified in my mind

I’m pretty much done with anybody who won’t acknowledge the racial caste system in this country. Time to stop talking and start voting and wresting the power away.

2012 Texas GOP platform on education:
“We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills, critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining

Ok so take over a federal Wildlife Refuge while armed, Face off with federal agents while armed, Break like 10 other laws I dont even know about, get off scott free.... Meanwhile in the Bronx, be accused of allegedly stealing a “backpack” - Spend 3 years in jail without a court date nor conviction, End up dead. 100% A

So if you’re a white welfare rancher, you and your buddies can aim guns at federal agents, squat in a federal building and get off scot-free, but if you’re not white, and someone with the inability to determine body language thinks you’re a threat because of the color of your skin, you’re going to end up dead. If

Fuck this. Fuck this shit. Fuck these guys. No, seriously, fuck these guys and their fucking bullshit.

Wait, but those poor bundies are real victims here, right? No god fearin’ murican (aka white, conservative, reeking of profound ignorance) should ever be forced to appear in fronta some judge for defendin’ their (non existent) right to claim property! Reverse discrimination? I tell ya!

Hopefully nothing happens that makes militant groups feel like they are above the law.

“what happened at the end is symbolic of the improper use of force by thegovernment”

Well, that was a well timed comment on my part. The fuckers were just acquitted. #whiteprivilege2016 is rightfully trending at the moment. Ridiculous as militarized police push Native Americans off their treaty land in ND.

Look let’s not get all excited about it. It’s not like his followers a promising an armed insurrection or anything after he loses.

Good for you. Glad you voted and glad you’re safe.

Trump supporters are clearly members of a cult, following their abusive and corrupt guru. They shouldn’t be shamed. They should be kidnapped and deprogrammed.

Bingo, back before Reagan and his lackeys convinced Republicans that welfare was a black thing - welfare and entitlements were actually viewed as positive. In order to appease the wealthy, they reframed it as something that minorities use to change public perception, and it has stuck ever since.

Breaking news: white man with lots of privilege cannot handle losing contest. Just wants things handed to him.

OR DO THEY??????