
You know what’s kinda sad? My folks are the only family on the block that flies the flag on holidays and such.

Valencia Versailles!!! My favourite yet!!!

I would make a wayyyyyyyy better President, and I have brain damage and get impatient in meetings...

Trying to read The Yellow Wallpaper phonetically.

This looks like fun. And not just because the opening is so so dirty.

Pretty sure he’s leagues better than you and the vast majority of players.

Not necessarily… Although I probably would be distressed if I realised the Tricolour wasn’t upside down, I was somehow now in the Ivory Coast!

Or be this guy.

Pangolins and armadillos convergently evolved their armor. More to the point, pangolin armor has no bony component to it; those scales are made from the same protein (keratin) our hair and nails are made from. So armadillos are more extreme because their armor is bone.

The Ivanka news surprised me.

Australia is new to shade. Give ‘em time. This ‘roo is getting in some eye-narrowing practice in the meantime.

Sure, 50 judges from 18 states, but 33 of them are from Wisconsin, and the other 17 are in the pocket of Wisconsin Big Cheese. And Russia hacked the election on behalf of Scott Walker anyway.

Most tone-deaf photo shoot ever.

Has a contingency of black and brown gay men or perhaps some old black ladies from the south gone down under to properly demonstrate the glory of shade?


Maybe she’s hoping Ivanka will sigh in exasperation and be like “FINE, I’ll do the first lady stuff. Damn, I have to do everything around here!”

This kind of bullshit in-fighting is precisely why the conservatives — who, despite all their faults, are ace at holding their noses in the interest of presenting a solid front to their opponents and attaining their goals— manage to get so much fuckery done while the liberals argue about everything under the sun.

Because OMG look how much it sucks to be like a girl!

Judi Dench could narrate a takeout menu and I'd still get chills.

Wow. That was really chilling.