
I do believe the best description of “Citizen X” came from the old Pajiba empire, now fallen to ruin.

The irony being that the real Burov, a very tough/hard man, would be portrayed for western audiences by Stephen Rea, his breaking down before the committee was a hard scene.

I played for about six months. One of the most impressive bits was moving towards, I think it was Caldari, the core systems just the amount of traffic was right out of all those old bits like Homeworld or whatever!

Just to admit that “such crimes exist in the Soviet Union.”

Because it’s crap! RPS did a stellar job of listing Andromeda’s many faults.

Why is a Soviet Officer using a Glock?

If you’re referring to Citizen X you should read the book, it’s just horrifying.

“Look, I don’t want some kinda Canuck Nurse with their “compassion” and “therapy” I just want GHUNS!!.”

Yes, thirty-some nurses denied entry because of idiocy.. That is truly making America Great Again. I would love to meet a few of these people in person.

Well, as I said to one of my friends (He’s Japanese so “I’ll see you in the Internment Camp” is not wholly outside the realm of plausability.

I mean when you hear that what’s his name admits that Michael Brown did not grab his gun, just the opposite...fuck the media.

Remember, there is no eighth dimensionl chess...Obama did not outwit those haters, everybody was telling him they’d never, ever work with him but it took him until X to realize it and then he started to move. Has anyone else noticed just how damned awesome the both of them look now that they’re out of the WH?

When you have people whose livelihood depends on bullshitting (Tucker) and THEY’RE questioning what happens... It’s old but it’s still valid!

Actually there’s a significant pushback and it’s not quite as desperate as it appears! As long as we don’t have to worry about wpn durability!1

I can’t post Kermit? HERESY!!1

Yah see, it ain’t worth it unless you’ve got about 22 and some metric quarter of silver!

You know what’s really going to bring us together? They’re all rich asshats that want to make themselves richer! I may not agree with my red-state brethen but we can agree that the poorest/most vulnerable should be taken care of, we can build on that!

shall ve play?