
My six kids ranging in ages 17 to 2 usually fight over computers and other electronics. When they try to get me involved, I remind them my solution will always be no one wins. That’s usually enough motivation for them to come up with a compromise on their own.

The screenshot you have there for KOTOR is actually KOTOR 2

Solid headline.

Solid headline.

Better or worse than buying a slab of steel from a metal supply company?

Better or worse than buying a slab of steel from a metal supply company?

I was going to skip to the comments and say how dare you tell me what time to eat. Then I read the article and I am now convinced 4pm is the correct answer.

That is definitely something to consider - my kids have never seen me do laundry or my wife take out the trash. I do almost all of the cooking, so not everything is split on traditional gender lines at least.

You must not be a real boy, i remember my father sitting me down at a young age and telling me to shout answers out even if I didn’t know if they were right because i was a man

This would explain his unusually high midichlorian count.

The Platinum is not a good card for earning MR points aside from airfare. The Preferred Rewards Gold & Everyday Preferred have better earn rates on certain spend categories.

The Platinum is not a good card for earning MR points aside from airfare. The Preferred Rewards Gold & Everyday

You should look at some other Amex cards to boost your MR earning. You’re missing out on additional points by using the Plat for all purchases since the earning rate generally stays at 1x. The Amex EveryDay Preferred has a $95 annual fee and offers 3x points at supermarkets, 2x at gas stations, 1x otherwise and a 50%

You should look at some other Amex cards to boost your MR earning. You’re missing out on additional points by using

The Centurion Clubs are no joke. I just used the one in Las Vegas, much better than any of the US domestic airline lounges. Wish they had one in PHL airport.

The Centurion Clubs are no joke. I just used the one in Las Vegas, much better than any of the US domestic airline

I upgraded to the Amex Platinum earlier this year and I can confirm that the benefits are so so so worth the annual fee. I pay for EVERYTHING with it, too, so I rack up points like mad every month. EVERYTHING. Well, except my mortgage, car payments, and utilities. But car insurance, Verizon, and almost everything else

I upgraded to the Amex Platinum earlier this year and I can confirm that the benefits are so so so worth the annual

Somehow the airlines have taken a testament to the achievements of humanity, a thing that had previously been the sole domain of the birds and the gods, and turned it into a miserable endurance test that is unpleasant from the second you walk into the airport to the second you leave it.

I’ve seen that done, it take a fair bit of effort but is a good trick (if a slow one)

I just meant in terms of audacity. Contractors stiffing military deals and putting hilarious price tags on innocuous items, but here we have it explicitly stated that these fuckbois are going to be earning $400+/hr for doing... what, basic electrical work?

Anyone here find it ironic to be using an app(and paying for extra features) to...monitor yourself to make sure you’re not spending too much on subscriptions?

Thanks to a panel-wide misunderstanding of Asian geography and some nimble betting work, he won.

They’re like TED talks - short, easily consumable, and they make people feel smarter than everyone else for no discernible reason.

“Interesting *not-quite-truths*”