Running out the clock down 10 with less than 2 minutes to go? Found Andy Reid’s Kinja account.
Running out the clock down 10 with less than 2 minutes to go? Found Andy Reid’s Kinja account.
Rodgers has missed less than 15 games in his career to injury...
Thattttttttt’s. Actually pretty good. Probably even gets you into a meditative state and is a cheap sensory deprivation trick all at the same time. Buuuuuut, that approach takes balls and calm and in an article trying to teach people how to tread water is going to be beyond some folks. Still though, I like it and it’s…
I think that’s to try to conserve body heat, more then it is to float.
You see on the one hand, the new version of the policy seems like a hugely cynical attempt to stifle legitimate, peaceful protest and retain the status quo for disgusting rich white men, but on the other hand, the old version of the policy spelled “ensure” wrong. Feels like there’s blame on both sides here.
What about “Gattaca”?
I listen to Planet Money. I don’t always agree with how Glinton portraits changes in the auto industry. It gets very inside baseball. I’m not saying I don’t trust them for the facts. I do. I often disagree with the opinion. But hey, this is 21st America and I listen to someone I disagree with and then I tune in and lis…
In my state, you need a license to be a florist. Because we have to protect the consumer from dangerous and unhealthful arrangements of inviting plants. You also need to have a full cosmetology license to do hair braiding.
If this is the chicken tax of the sea, would that make it the tuna tax?
It’s not like the Jones act is really helping all that much anyway...I mean how many more us registered ships are there now then there might otherwise have been? And at what cost? This is the chicken tax of the sea
Oh, you don’t have the $400 TB12 water bottle with extra electrolytes built right into the mouthpiece? Guess you don’t care about skin cancer.
Sounds like your kids are going to have some pretty bad sunburns.
I gotta go Uranus over Neptune. Its axis of rotation is nearly sideways! Neptune’s got nothing distinguishing it, except for being the last planet (RIP Pluto). Plus, “Uranus” joins 69 and asparagus pee in the pantheon of things that anyone who was ever 13 years old finds funny.
What, nobody has brought up power to wight ratios yet?
Which jogging stroller am I suggesting you buy?
And people say the preseason is a waste of time.