
I thought listening to a recording of my voice was torture until I saw myself videotaped.

“Felt like something of a revelation simply for being really, really competent.”

“many cultures find the idea of handkerchiefs repulsive”

You’re leaving a gap in the line which means line cutters can swoop in.

This. The correct answer is “you’re not getting Starbucks” that morning.

Um, no. F this.

Why should other people pay for your childcare?

I pay more than enough for childcare now. I shudder to think of the cost when its “free”

This is the correct take

Sounds like a typical scientist/engineer. They look at the data (can he function without her) and make a decision based on the data (yes, he can) and people’s feelings don’t matter.

I laughed at first (because the comment, not because I dropped someone’s baby) but then I thought, once the baby is on the floor, he cannot drop further! he’s actually safer there than in my arms!

3-second rule

Best answer right here.

Well first you should pick the baby back up.

They are not scumbags, they are doing a job they are payed to do. Wrong people to be angry with, not saying some of them are not bad people, obviously there are bad people all over the place. But saying all border patrol agents are scumbags is just childish.

This lady is an asshole trying to malena viral video. The agents were polite, provided her with legal authority, and behaved professionally. Glad to know this blond white lady sees herself as a modern Rosa Parks, standing up for her sad brown friends.

...That said, what name could be more apt for something the American people never asked for and isn’t ready for the job despite plainly honorable intentions, than “Gerald R. Ford”?

One major cause of cost overruns is the DoD likes to change their minds mid production. It’s not just the contract winner overpromising and under delivering. A lot of times they have to deliver something different than was originally asked for.

...it is hoped the Navy will put the carrier through full ship “shock trials”

Being a Ford I would suspect more Mustangs