K Fein

“Ever since the first cloned mammal, Dolly the Sheep, died abnormally young”

They test you continuously because Wisconsin.

The review seems a little misleading by only offering connectivity through the Phillips Hue in the first category. I have a dot with TP-link devices and it works extremely well. The TP-Link app integrates flawlessly with the Alexa app, and the devices are cheaper than the Phillips devices.

This! This is the absolute worst!

Why do truckers always keep those giant headsets on when they go into gas stations/truck stops? They look uncomfortable as hell. Watching this guy leave his on while he’s literally being saved from death makes me think they’re glued on or something.

The mooch only likes babies that weren’t born prematurely.

Taken directly from their website:

Why are most of these from Wisconsin? I know we are the best at serial killers; I didn’t know we were also the best at stupid and dangerous April Fools’ Day pranks.

My current gf’s Fiat 500. We live in Wisconsin. I can’t imagine a less practical car for Wisconsin winter. Furthermore, I’m a big guy, and I cannot find a way to get comfortable in that thing. That car was made for skinny European hipsters and has no place on the interstates of Middle America.

How is net neutrality not a concern of his?

Wanted for questioning...

How will southern rednecks get rid of their pig-babies if they outlaw abortion? The south will become overrun with chicken-babies and pig-babies.

Frankie: “You don’t like the van?”
Jerry: “No, no, no. Just hypothetically.”
Frankie: “I gotta go to the park.”
Jerry: “No! No, you don’t! No woods. I love the van. I’m a van guy.”

Maybe if they cleaned up their garbage property they wouldn’t attract the bears in the first place.

So the system is rigged against him? Well, at least Donald has one thing in common with Black Americans.

So lessees will get to return vehicles and cancel leases no questions asked, and also receive restitution? I think they said it would be half of those that bought similar vehicles? Where can we get better info about what restitution will be for lessees? There doesn’t seem to be a calculation for that.

“a man who is actually three bigoted baby Muppets stacked on top of one another”

I certainly wouldn’t trust a tow truck driver in cargo shorts and sandals.