Andrew S.

If she wasn't so completely devastated I would almost think that Valentina did this on purpose and was the ULTIMATE stunt queen in the history of drag race.

Since we're now thinking about the themes that this Dreamworld bleeds over into Archer's real life I wonder how much of Poovey imagining a lush future with children is connected to Abbiejean & what he wants for/with her.

Trinette was a delight the entire episode but by far my favorite thing was simply the delivery of 'You're f*ckin' weird' because it was perfectly done. I wouldn't mind her becoming part of the team for good.

I too fell off the wagon after season 1 - I would've been fine with a final resolution episode after that incredible season 1 finale - and every time I considered going back there would be more mess or more heavy plotting or another person related to the main cast and it was all just SO exhausting. This goose has been

I definitely don't see it as you coming for me, no big LOL

Both were big brats but the difference is that Aja can at least pull it together for the challenge itself. How many times has Nina been called out for her bad attitude by the judges? That's never something they said about Aja.

Jennie Garth and Tori Spelling really do not like Tiffani Amber-Thiessen. I’d even go so far as to say they hate Tiffani Amber-Thiessen.

Would it be too much to theorize that Mary and Penelope could be family? much closer kissing cousins parallels!

I thought it was Hal due to the spoilers but could've thought him too if I hadn't read them, NGL

I've been waiting on this post since the episode ended last night LOL

It was a true delight to see Ashi come into her own this episode and while the new look is less badass and more bright & youthful I also feel like she deserves that and see it as a very visual representation of her actual naivete and innocence. She has had a rebirth and her new look is both beautiful and functional so

A decent enough episode and I definitely remain curious about the splintering between Joan and Sherlock as the season comes to a close. Does Nelsan have any more episodes left of what it was reported he would be in? I can feel a confrontation with Shinwell coming but whether it's him vs. sherlock, him vs. Joan or him

yeah, you definitely need to watch the clip because that was not a reaction you can fake.

STANNING Valerie 'I'm not putting up with your mess' Brown, Alice 'Oh look, I'm actually going in a great direction' Cooper and Veronica 'Holy CRAP! F YOU dad' Lodge.

This was really Alice's shining moment. Everything she did, every scene she had, I really felt myself warm to her a lot and her quiet anger & exhaustion at her husband - followed by the breakdown in Betty's arms - really sold her to me. I think had she not been so gung ho to pin a statutory rape on a child and lump

Because Ru loves nothing more than a minstrel show he chose Charlie despite the fact that she was still doing blackface as of LAST YEAR and only stopped because it was finally messing with her money -

Alexis had Black Lives Matter on her costume so I love her already. She, Shea, Peppermint, and Jaymes are my favorite. I'd like Charlie too if we didn't know what a vile racist mess she is.

Navy was my favorite of the Ruby soldiers because she seemed so adorable and here she was using that against us. I was completely played and I LOVE IT!

The actual best parent on the show so far, I love it.

Grundy I take with a grain of salt - not handled with Jail at the end but at least never really romanticized by anyone but Archie. Alice had a good thing going and could've had a great moment to be smug if she stopped blaming a 15 (16?) year old kid for everything.