Andrew S.

there's nothing unfair about holding a grown adult accountable for the things they give their word on and do/don't do, stop.

The fact that she understood during the promos shooting that people would come for Nina in a racial way and said that she'd defend against it but later didn't speaks volumes.

Asking her to say something publicly - anything - before she did (specifically the morning/hours after her elimination but even in that month between then & the reunion) is completely reasonable. There's no way she could stop human behavior completely but an official denouncement of that type of behavior could've made

No, but you're reducing the way she expressed her feelings as an expression of bitterness when she's been over the racism hurled her & Nina's way for at least a month prior to the reunion taping. The saturday after Val sent home she had an instagram live that was basically her saying just as much - that the racism was

I feel a bit of disconnect with this verdict because while there's no disputing Sasha winning based on the finale format it calls into question what the point of doing well all season even means anything at all.

I didn't realize holding someone accountable for not doing their part to help minimize racial abuse was 'bitter tea' LOL

honestly, I am torn between feeling sad that all of these people haven't moved on from something so long ago - all but Raven it seems - and living that we get all this juice LMAO


no, I don't think Alexis needed any help being boring all by herself LOL

Alexis isn't even tacky in a fun way, just a 'oh poor that' way.

Yeah, I appreciated Sasha's cowgirl look as a fashion choice but it just didn't feel grand enough for me.

you would rather Shea go home over Alexis? And think Alexis should have been safe? IDK gurl!

Tyra had the most wins, the best clothes and was dynamic on the runway. I don't think she would've won if the judges saw the work room but they didn't.

* Tyra threw shade, Morgan intercepted it and messed with her money
* Tyra posts the fauxbituary picture, which people think is real despite her hashing it '#Memequeen' or something
* Tati inserts herself and is passive agreesive, Tyra posts the chat and the number is at the top
*Tati retaliates by postng Tyra's number

Since it's drag race related and interesting I figured here would be the best place to post what I can tell is a mostly comprehensive recap of Tyra Sanchez vs. well….everyone LOL -

Between the season 2 drama (posting a recap of that in a separate comment) and the claws finally coming out this was a GREAT drag race week LOL

I'm willing to give this a shot based on diversity of casting ALONE. Black people in medieval settings where they get to be more than just servants in some way with a handwaving of 'historical accuracy'?

I can say that I mostly feel satisfied with the season finale but I was extremely disappointed that we didn't get one last porno girls sketch for the road.

I can say that after all these years I feel satisfied but when it comes to Jashi I can only wish all of it was paced better to start - the love revelation coming to both of them when apart in the episode before their reunion for example - and then here as well. Instead of having Ashi go back to the past with him why