
Nah you don’t get the shit you get at Applebees at a TGIF or Olive Garden

and again, someone dropped something about Applebees and everyone just jumped in with their Applebees stories. To you also, this is how the internet works. Just read my previous comments if common sense is too much trouble for you.

Meh. Applebees took a shot from someone and everyone jumped on that train. That’s how the internet works.

I’m pretty confident you could find a similar string of complaints for every restaurant chain like that... I’ve ate at Applebees on road trips when it was the only thing open late. Never had an issue. They get their frozen food from the same companies pretty much everyone else does.

no no. The more you cover them the quicker they’ll go away /s

you could’ve replaced “basement party” with “strip club” and it still works

we can blame Funny or Die for starting the long prank video

Tommy Lee is disgusting

great message. I hope it sells well.

racist hypocrite

okay. I laughed.

“I’m just focused on the Super Bowl halftime show and my new album right now”

both things can be true. Woody can be a molester and Mia can be abusive. None of that changes Dylan’s story.

wait until one of them Force Projects themselves back across the border

oh the irony of you commenting this

good call. Maybe even Kristen Bell knows that everyone’s hell has Dax in it

that’s fair. Should’ve just had him serving frozen yogurt last season

me llamo Marc. But I also don’t send personal emails as “KeyserRoll”

Dax Shepard - quibbles and bits

Episode was mostly great, though you should give it a B just for using Dax Shepard so much. That dude is just awful at everything he does. Don’t care who his wife is - he’s really bad at acting.