
that comment is real rich coming from you

So he actually calls himself Chamillionaire?

But some evil trolls who don’t believe in loving yourself are on board and will do their damnedest to bring the plane down

explaining that it “was a very hard sell” because he came “from a nice middle-class neighborhood” and because he “wasn’t very good.”

yeah, that was a good performance

won’t someone thing of the mashers!

I know he was once accused by his wife/ex-wife of abuse.

this... this looks pretty good! With this be in limited theaters Katie, or have you not received that info?

I’ve never been to a Red Lobster. I hear this biscuits are awesome, but I just would feel weird going in just for biscuits.

when he pulled down his first Oscar win as a vengeful frontier tracker in 2015's The Revenant was inexplicably even nominated for the Oscar even though Tom Hardy did all the actual acting and stole that movie

well the dust HAD settled until he made that call from the bar... right after calling his son at the school. So the FBI then knows he’s in NH which would make that national news again, so his face would be plastered everywhere on TV during that drive to NM. Plus you have a car stolen from right outside that bar in NH.

the beat is actually kinda nice, but holy shit that song is bad and he sounds awful in it.

Okay. Whatever you feel is good for you.

okay. Thanks for your opinion.

if that segment of the population is too small to register anything (on a web site we already know is a cesspool), then all you’re doing is trying to create a segment of a population by giving it legs and coverage. You’re literally creating the news story, not reporting it, at that point. There’s a difference.

Does he discuss how one of the country’s most wanted and recognizable criminals at the time was able to just drive from New Hampshire to New Mexico alone, at least partially in a car stolen from New Hampshire, stopping in various diners along the way, and not once get stopped?

Measured heads prevail in a news cycle that finds men’s rights activists celebrating a butchered, illogical cut of Star Wars: The Last Jedi simply because all of the women have been removed.

so your response about a child molestation story is to bring up Birthergate? You got issues man.

but the facts show that he molested her

But please, tell me how Democrats are to blame.