Keyan Reid

I suddenly want a handheld Wii U in the form of something like a Nintendo DS. Give me that controller screen on the bottom and the ‘main/TV’ screen on top, right next to each other.

So I may have bad info here.

With all the shit going on, apparently I completely failed to notice that Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 is already out? That it came out two months ago?

They’re no doubt trimming a lot of fat here, but even as someone who’s been aware of the coming vaulting and been trying to grind out things in advance of it, this list was a bit jaw dropping.

Man, this was such an amazing game but with so many weird little flaws and blemishes.

They’re getting harder to find but I am a huge fan of the Thurstmaster T.1600.

Casting Michael Cera was terrible. Everything else about the movie is amazing, but putting him in the center of it all...bad choice. Really, really bad choice.

I really liked Control (played it on Xbox) but there were definitely days where it crashed or stuttered so badly that I’d just get angry and have to walk away from it for a while. It has some serious issues on current gen consoles.

I remember as a young kid in the 80s I had a classmate who gushed about this game. Finally he pushed enough to get me to go see what it was about and I rented it from the local video store.

Now playing

I’m guessing they didn’t remix this track from the Sega Mega Drive game Zillion because it’s already a bop:

They did this with Destiny and I refuse to reward them for it. I play that game on my Xbox and my PC but never on my PS4.

May be a bit of aging, but yeah, these new consoles just aren’t selling the hype. There’s nothing really new or revolutionary about them. It’s like cell phones - all the great innovations, the substantial leaps and bounds, seem to be several years behind us now. Instead, all we are getting is incremental upticks on

I should clarify.

I keep wanting to give PSO2 a chance but it’s waaaaay too ‘anime’ for my tastes. I loved the OG PSO though.

I mentioned this is another comment, but these days, the US military is even doing adverts on Youtube videos aimed at infants/toddlers. It’s fucking disgusting. I don’t even know if it’s effective whatsoever, but regardless, it’s an awful thing to do.

They are literally advertising on Youtube amidst videos like Barefoot Books (i.e., songs for infants/very young children).

I think I’m only like 20% or so into the game but I’m finding that you can actually avoid much of the combat if so inclined.

I keep thinking that haircut she’s sporting belongs on r/Justfuckmyshitup

Subtle Calamity, all geared up with the Dragonfly perk + mod.