Keyan Reid

A lot of gear is about to be made useless. After this season they’re going to start sunsetting a bunch of stuff. The older legendary stuff primarily, not to mention several planets (Mars, Io, Titan, Mercury).

Destiny 2 exotics this season have been remarkably fun. The Witherhoard grenade launcher was a wonderful surprise that I was certain would get nerfed, but instead Bungie seems to be doubling down with fun new opportunities.

Was really stoked for this game but it sounds like being a PS4 exclusive is going to be a deal breaker. As someone familiar with both PSVR and PC VR, I know PSVR is okay but it’s not great. PC with a beefy graphics card is pretty much the only platform really handling ‘heavy’ VR right now.

I wouldn’t say the first one stopped so much as substantially slowed (at least in media coverage).  But this week I’ve been seeing new cases popping up left and right, like the whole thing got reignited.

There seems to be a whole #Me2.0 thing going on here.

I jumped in for the first time last night and was just casually bumbling about, then started playing around with the new exotic.  I was like “Wow, a seasonal exotic that’s actually useful! I’m loving this thing! This is great!

For as long as there has been man, there has been a singular goal above all others.

Doom 2016 taught me that just because a game can run on a Switch doesn’t mean it should.

I recommend the Elite Dangerous subreddit, they have a few helpful starter guides and general info that is useful. They also have daily question threads where you can ask knowledgable players stuff.

Single player game cheats? Go nuts, cheat all you want, I don’t care. Hell, that can even give a game new life and used to be included out of the box. No problems there.

What a fucking loser.

I love Phantasy Star II and IV dearly. I even enjoyed III quite a bit when it released.

This song is always great to hear once every couple of years. Then you go right back to feeling like it’s over-played if you hear it any more than that.

Man, I really loved the 2016 Doom and was very excited for Eternal. And when tearing through Doom Eternal I was having a blast at first.

Big fan of those games (for the most part). Had 100% completion on Ace Combat 7 shortly after it released.

I was so excited until I saw it was 2D.

Yo Kitana got cute as hell

Let me hit you with two alternatives:

Can’t see eye to eye with her on this.

Never not relevant