That one nerd

I volunteer my pond as a sanctuary pond for gay frogs.

And just to clarify by LORD we mean the dude with the horns, giant bat wings and hooves for feet. Answers to the name Old Scratch?

Why, where else? But from our president!

They’re just doin’ this so they can put more chemicals in the water to turn the friggin’ frogs gay!

Don’t worry, Fox News is still on.

Now who's gonna lead the fight in the war against information?!

I call BS !! You’re just a shill for Faceapplebooktube attempting to use double reversed physiology to make me believe that isn’t true ! err.. wait.. I mean.. I agree !

Where the hell am I going to get my quality professional bullshit conspiracies?

Twitter will never ban him, because they’d be forced to then address the Trump issue. Instead, they can just say that because of his “cultural importance.”

I’m proud to be among the first to say that this looks like a dreadful and woeful mistake.