That one nerd

Bout the funniest shit I have seen in some weeks!😂😂😂😂

On the fence about this one. On one hand loot boxes and microtransactions can be horrible, but you are not forced to purchase them to play a game. Then there is the part where if I want to spend money on something I should be able to spend it on whatever the hell I choose. My son always wants some crap on fortnite

I’m sorry but I am with the dudes on this one lol! Shes married to an NBA superstar male athlete and every man knows this. Who in their right mind would even consider hollering at her? What chance does a regular every day man have with her at this point? I think what she is saying is just plain stupid honestly.

For me at this point its Galactus, Doom, Annihilus or bust for me. I wouldn’t mind a secret invasion plot line followed by a secret wars either. 

In all honesty the Russo’s portrayal of the Hulk is the only thing I don’t like about their Marvel films. Seems like they have no idea what to do with the character and they don’t like him. The fact that the most powerful Avenger had no hand in fighting Thanos while Ironam and Cap easily battle him toe to toe is a god

I wanted Kang until End Game, with the time travel aspect in that movie the shine of what Kang could have been was lost. I saw the avengers going back through time to their major events to stop Kang from altering past events and messing up the time line. After End game its already been used and would be cheesy now.

While I agree End game is a once in a lifetime movie event that will be hard to top its not impossible. Because in all actuality the saga infinity war and End game are based isn’t even close to being the best Marvel saga/ crossover event. If given the same care and time to develop Marvel has a few sagas that could put

Sounds like we are one step closer to this baby!

This is probably the most horrible shit any company has ever imagined and needs to be stopped. We already get advertisements on pretty much everything we look at today. We don’t need that shit in the beautiful nights sky. This is how now extreme terrorist are created lol!

As a person who identifies as black this kind of sucks and is a double edged sword. I can tell from the image above she had no ill will when doing this makeup. It was truly and purely for the love of the character that caused her to want to mimic her. The only issue is there are those who don’t have that genuine heart

I just keep coming back to why were none of these errors reported by the flight crew after landing. It seems to have been a known issue among multiple pilots yet they never make mention of it in most reports.

And these complaints are exactly why I hate the U.S now lol! They can’t be serious? 😂😂😂😂

I’m waiting for Thor to call Spidey man of spiders myself lol!

This is one damn good cover story if you ask me. Some “criminal activity” happened so we had FBI on scene and shut the whole area down, okay lol! I believe this vague explanation..  

Been saying the same shit lol! You don’t even notice any issues first viewing. You have to slow down a still shot for that, even then it’s nowhere near as bad as these guys are making it seem. Acting like its G1 power rangers bad effects lol!

I myself don’t think it will be nearly as difficult to bring them in. There just needs to be a shuffling of timelines honestly. With today’s political and race climate having mutants show up and be hated would be perfect. All they really have to do is elude to them in a movie here and there and say they always existed

This crap is getting out of hand. Can’t any of these cartoon companies break the mold and come up with their own freaking ideas? This is nothing more than that crappy teen titans go. Why is it always monkey see monkey do with these people? Why not stay faithful to the original as much as possible but with minor tweaks

Good I am glad the film is as good as I hoped it would be. Still I get pretty annoyed when reviewers get all snoby when comparing to other films.

Um deadpool isn’t even in the same universe as civil war much less the same category. Decent movie but pales in comparison to civil war it was about as good as BvS.