Cowardly is the word. Forget the guy is on his knees and hands behind his head, or that you’ve got all these guys with guns, they still act like they’re about to be pounced on by one of those super-negroes they’ve all heard about.
Cowardly is the word. Forget the guy is on his knees and hands behind his head, or that you’ve got all these guys with guns, they still act like they’re about to be pounced on by one of those super-negroes they’ve all heard about.
You can close the comments section now because this gif encompasses it all.
The lotionless complain about everything that they never look good in... But that everybody else looks good in (especially black ppl specifically). It is not our fault that you are shaped like a doorframe and can't fill out a pair of wranglers.
I bet the report will say the cause of these accidents were inadequate pilot training. If that’s the case, the blame should lay on both the airlines and Boeing for delivering a product without a proper guide.
I’m sure this same person is ok with their 9 year old playing Call of Duty though.
They still haven’t figured out how that happened, either, because moranism is an inherited trait.
Wow. On my list of complaints about that halftime show, I had nipples at number 87, just after “86 - Being hit by a bus”.
“There were curses that were blanked out...Do I have to sit with my kids and explain to them what’s going on?”
Yes, it’s called being a parent you stupid fuck.