
Okay, so she is wearing those pig nose hook thingies? I kept trying to see if she was, and it was very distracting.

She's bringing back memories of the horrible moment I was in a insane SF gay bar and was visually assaulted by the sight of some people engaging in pig sex. Gaaaaaah!

This is nothing compared to other fans around here. I was going home after class the day before a football game & there were two men dressed in those red spandex suits, standing in the middle of one of our busiest streets & waving a Razorback flag. People were actually doing the hog call with them. On one of our

Even better, just google crossfit wods and you don't have to leave your house.


Uh uh, nope, no way. I want my scary things to stay dead when they die.

Macaroni and cheese is divine, and it has no decapitated poison-fanged heads with which to bite you. You are wise and have excellent taste, not boring!

[Spit takes]

'After we heard that we did not continue with our meal.'

Beans and rice. Never anything to worry about and no one gets hurt.

Is antivenin too rare for restaurants to have a vial of it if they're going to be stupid enough to slaughter venomous snakes in their kitchen?

Call me boring, but this is why I stick to dishes like macaroni and cheese.

You know what else has health benefits? Chicken soup. Much safer to make.

A friend of mine works on an oil rig. He says if he sees a snake they stab it with a shovel, pick up the with the shovel and buck it as far as they can. I'm all for killing poisonous snakes.

Jesus Christ, sometimes it seems like the universe just plays colossal, dickish practical jokes on people.

Except he just looks like a generic yuppie, rich corporate type, there's no commanding aura I guess. In reading the books Christian came across as Patrick Bateman from American psycho. I think if they had done something different with the hair it would have worked better.

Thank you.

Ebola stalks you at every turn. :'(

People are such disasterbators that there are probably some who wish it would come here so they could say, "OMG, my mom's cousin's neighbor's friend's son's coach's daughter's brother-in-law's niece died from that!"

If we want Americans to not take Ebola this seriously, we should invent a vaccine for it.