I see little difference between this and Beyoncé's performance, other than that the man in charge was on screen for this one.
I see little difference between this and Beyoncé's performance, other than that the man in charge was on screen for this one.
Ha, that's what I was thinking when I read the article: "If Beyonce did this we would celebrate her 'owning her sexuality' or some horses hit like that."
Video capture is so common now, there are whole sites dedicated to stolen streams from people recording cam-girls. Sometimes one will go a bit viral and people are always asking who the girl is and how to get her on facebook and stuff, so it's not just the customers cam-girls have to worry about, it's all the other…
Kara Brown has made several ridiculous posts like this. There are still good writers here.
Thank you. This is an embarrassing outrage frenzy.
Yeah, this very much struck me as lampooning the very thing this article is complaining about.
I've heard that too, but I think that her body shape is underrepresented on red carpets and in magazines. We're used to seeing the Jennifer Anniston, Katherine Heigl, Charlize Theron, etc etc body shape, which is the tall, lean, model like shape. So Kim immediately looks out of place, even though in real life if you…
This is the sort of comment I've made that have lost me (internet) friends, but I think it's really important, particularly the "b)" idea, (which, in other conversations, has been used against me as "blaming addicts for their disease").
this! All of this! Kara's criticism sounds so hypocritical considering this site routinely decries that women using their bodies is empowering if done on their own terms.
While the overall idea is revolting, I think she channeled a little Lucille Ball here.
That episode is the shit! Lucille Ball was the best!
You mean Lucille Ball, right?
I don't know why all of you weirdos are so upset about this: I'm feeling empowered as fuck right now.
You mean while she did a nice bit of silent physical comedy for about two minutes? I'm not saying it wasn't sexist, but she wasn't just standing there and posing.
Can't something just be taken NOT-SO-SERIOUSLY??! I kinda thought it was funny...ya know... the boring part of the show paired with a stunning visual. And OBVIOUSLY, Sophia didn't mind....why do y'all??? I'm a straight woman but never get tired of looking at her! Yes...she talented and has great comedic timing....I…
Pretty much every choice the academy made tonight was the laziest possible choice. Even the good ones.
As much as I want to defend Sofia Vergara and say that it's the President of the Academy of Television's doing and completely his fault, she does seem to participate in horribly sexist things/say things that are completely offensive to women. I remember when she joked in The View (I think it was The View, but please…
The phrase is not "submission packets from women," it's "binders of women."
"This is why I stopped doing car shows"