I think that all indications suggest that Manziel will be the greatest player ever to play the game. Consider these facts:
I think that all indications suggest that Manziel will be the greatest player ever to play the game. Consider these facts:
I just think a giant human is going to sit on Johnny's head and that will be that.
I read a lot of people's comments before posting this because I was shocked that no one has said this previously... What happened to the old adage, "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me"? You know, that saying that everybody made fun of George Bush for when he said it wrong?
Not essential items? I say for 1 month all women boycott menstral products. We don't wear 'em. We leave pools of blood on subway seats, clots on the seats in restaurants, and splotches on the benches in malls and parks. Yup we walk around with big red stains on our clothes, we bike around with blood trickling down…
The ducks at my sister's ranch are the boss of every single animal there. The horses, the dogs...whenever the ducks show up it's like "OK EVERYBODY SETTLE DOWN MOVE OUT OF THE WAY WE ARE DUCKS WE ARE HERE TO DO DUCK THINGS THANK YOU."
That is an astute observation. I think it's true of a lot of men. Being a guy myself, I get the "privelege" of hearing how other guys, married, divorced, and single / never married, actually think about women, when women aren't around. It's not pretty. It's kind of one of those things that makes me depressed about…
I like the intentional walk rule. I never understood why the pitcher had to lob four pitches in to get a walk.
The actual prolapse doesn't just happen and actresses have to train to get the bud to occur when they want. To be able to rosebud effectively, actresses need to have prolonged sessions with multiple massive objects so that their rectal walls become loose and easy to push right out. Training might also include sleeping…
I'm not really a fan of MK since I rarely have friends over and I don't have friends who has a Wii U (sad, I know) and the replay value is low for me. I enjoy it but... the cost doesn't justify the amount of time I spend on it. BUT......
While this case is horrible and the boys completely deserve to be punished, you are crossing into dangerous territory when you say the other students "probably knew" what was happening. You have no idea what the other students at the party knew or did not know, and it is pretty irresponsible to imply that all of the…
That's great but this post is not intended to educate...only to point out how icky all the horny creepy men are with their penis things and testicle friends.
What's your solution for premeditated attempted murder? Community service?
Eh. When I was twelve I wouldn't have fucking murdered another kid, and I'd have expected to go to jail for life if I had.
While the console version of Dark Souls II hits next week, the PC version, with its increased texture resolution…
Ok lets put it like this Ono. You make a game, lets say you produce two copies of that game, just two. You sell one to customer X. Customer Y wants your game too but instead of buying it from you for 50, X beats your game and sell it to Y for 25 bucks. Explanation complete. If you still don't understand please visit…
From a developer/publisher perspective how is it any different than theft or piracy? It's not really is the answer.
Also that should answer your analogy with the book as well because the author doesn't see that money even if you were interested enough to buy it. PS Steam sales are way cheaper than used games by miles.
Great response Bael. Not all forms of intellectual property are quite equal. As for answering the OP's question, I think there is no right answer for you if it's "not your problem" when the publisher doesn't get money. But the comment above about the starving author, although silly, is on the right track. It's an…
The "not my problem" really irritated me too. I would hate someone to not pay me for my services or to misuse something without my consent. Many good niche games or art games don't get sequels because of low sales. If the publishers had got a bit of money from every person who played it they may have made enough to…
Meh, language is a social construct and, as long as humans are humans, it will change slowly and be filled with lots of tedious and unresolvable controversy.