
Maybe so, but the burden is still on the communicator to understand it all the same.

Aunt Hailey?

Context is considered important in communication, generally.

And when news sites posted photos of the Hound the day after that episode aired, that didn't have anything to do with the episode. It was just to say, "Hey, remember this guy?"

Well, except showing a picture of Cersei wearing a crown and sitting on the iron throne but whatever.

Worked out pretty nicely for Addie Bundren when she was in the market for a coffin.

Def Popetry Jam

Not including Maz Kanata is so speciest. Your human privilege is showing.

If this movie has more similarities to Magnolia than it does to The Master, I'll eat my homburg.

The Master is superb and Inherent Vice was good fun. There's nothing wrong with you.

They realize that fans will use the scenes to cut a different film so it's extremely doubtful that we'll see anything Marvel, Star Wars, etc. that isn't the official Mickey-approved version from here on out.

Disney didn't even give us all of the deleted scenes from The Force Awakens that could be considered canon based on the novelization so why would they ever give a different cut of a film?

"Science, bitch!" was never actually said on Breaking Bad. It was "Yeah, Mr. White! Yeah, science!"

Personally I thought The Big Lebowski did a good enough job of depicting Walter as a neutered ex-soldier with little identity outside of his military service, bowling prowess, and big, overcompensating personality. He is obnoxious with his friends and the bowling league members because he clearly doesn't have the

Absolutely. The Beatles is a band that I enjoy. Some of my friends like The Beatles, too.

The boycotts never work. Bigots still need their $11 boardshorts at the end of the day.

True, but if the status quo rakes in billions of dollars, then why upset it? From a business perspective, Disney can be a pro-LGBT company and still avoid directly presenting that position in any of their massively popular IPs without any real worry of losing money. It's win-win. People on the internet might bitch and

Which means, unfortunately, that they aren't very likely to alienate any part of their audience. Gay people won't throw a shit fit boycott and get news coverage because a princess is straight in a kids' movie. Disney won't sacrifice those dollars no matter how shitty they think the person holding the wallet might be.

After reading these comments I think it's undeniable that there is a war on Leeroy Jenkins Day.

Are there movies where Aykroyd doesn't have at least one other equal star to bounce off of? I don't feel like he ever tried to mimic Chevy Chase's solo appeal in any real way.