
Unlike almost everyone in this tread, I've actually seen this movie and it's a lot of fun in my opinion. The story is your typical 'underdog rising to the occasion' tale but there are some really beautiful performances and hilarious moments within it. Of course the working poor, white rapper lead climbing the

Good one.

No, It's one of those "We get it. Stop waiting for Star Wars news to find an excited person and paste the same shit everyone else has said in here ad nauseam" things.

Get a new argument and/or stop pissing on people's fun.


I agree the love story was weak, but I liked the father/daughter dynamic and thought Lilly served that aspect well enough.

Boy, it must be really hard for a person who has craved attention from the media and Hollywood for 40 years to be so utterly unpopular with those groups now that it profoundly infects his thinking and halts his ability to meet the responsibilities of his office.

None needed. Ever.

My guess is that McKinley is pretending to be straight (flirting with the Alyssa Milano character in the trailer) because of a job or something, and Ben has to return to straighten him out (except the opposite of that).

Thanks for making this point. I've seen a lot of folks miss it.

The first step is to go outside and that's already more effort than most Flat-earthers are willing to put forth on this.

Besides Arnold in Italy, what are these characters doing that seems so outlandishly expensive? Going out for drinks is pretty normal for single people in their 30s.

Dev is the host of a TV show and Francessca's fiance's business is booming, as evidenced by all the meetings he takes while in the US. It doesn't seem like a stretch that money trouble isn't a central theme.

Why is it fan fiction if it's a direct sequel?

Just throw it on Villeneuve's 80s sci-fi film reboot pile.

Oh, definitely. They heavily hinted at it in this first episode. Anthony trots it out regularly.

I can't wait until this show dives into the daddy issues. I hope this becomes a prevailing theme.

He's also still very close to David Hyde Pierce, a gay man.

I'm sure this movie sucks but the motivation behind cashing a fat check to work with three legends is not a deeply troubling mystery.

That joke is inferior or cheap; chintzy.