
Isn't there a scene in 2000 where the new Bros literally summon ghost riders in the sky at a county fair?

800 trillion things ranging from not bad to pretty cool have been submitted to the internet since this was created.

Bah! I've already seen that!

She certainly looked visible. I'm not sure if that was for the benefit of the audience or not but it was hilarious.

Wonder when we'll get our first look at the invisible plane. Probably never.

Odenkirk and Jessie Ennis interacting in this episode warmed my heart. Uncle Bob!

My guess is Tony Techâ„¢

Definitely. I remember being more impressed by the gameplay than the story, though I liked it as a follow-up to the movies despite its limitations.

Rise of the Buster

It was based on a script for an unproduced third movie, right?

I'm all for "fun" but there's a real opportunity here to address just how good bustin' makes one feel and how to enjoy it responsibly.


I couldn't help it. It just popped in there.

It's a fun game with a decent story if you're into that kind of thing. The original cast voices their characters.

He did!
according to the supposedly canonical video game

If you consider the 2009 Ghostbusters video game canon (Ackroyd does), then Winston became a scientist after the second movie. His PhD is in Egyptology if I remember correctly.

Oh, I think you're more than likely correct. I just saw a lot of people saying that the 2012 invasion stuff would be ignored altogether. It seems now that the question has been half-assedly answered if it's true that Carter is still planning for the invasion to occur.

Should've replaced Miller with Skinner and Einstein with Reyes.

I need to watch this scene again but didn't Reyes say the events leading up to the pandemic were initiated in 2012, the year colonization was to begin? Assuming the people who were given alien DNA would survive, I took it to mean that the pandemic is perhaps a preparation for eventual colonization.

This reminds me of a movie idea I had called Trapper John Feeling Surprised at the Lumber Yard.