
Harris made me finally try listening to Phish and I HATED IT.

Hey Jesse,

The second movie on this list is Annie Hall.

I'd give Broadcast News a runner up spot.

Now every time I hear a kid say the darndest thing, I feel sick to my stomach.

People keep bringing up Anthony Ingruber who actually played the younger version of Ford's character in the Age of Adaline. I didn't see the movie so I can't comment on his performance but he does look strikingly similar to Ford.

Don't worry. Lucas still has plenty of time to change this.

in my best Lovitz

*continues being person at work on day of movie's release*

That could be followed by a show called "Watching Talking" where a host invites guests to his house to sit on the couch and lampoon last week's "Talking Watching."

From a creative team that is not action-minded.

Throw some cold water on it and think about baseball, A.V.Club.

That's when you crack those knuckles and get to correctin'!

Oh, but the suspense!

I scrolled to find you.

There's a reason Mimic is lackluster but it's not Del Toro.

I do enjoy his work and know many others that do as well.

Yeah, because nobody talks about Andy Kaufman, or writes about him, or makes movies about him these days.

The fact that Steve is such a big part of Beth's storyline in the series makes it even funnier that she doesn't remember him in the movie.