
I don’t know, Best Buy gets almost every game I buy, even PC if it comes out on DVD. With the $10 in rewards for preordering and 20% off new games with their Gamer’s Club Unlocked I save about $22 on new game purchases. That adds up and is a better deal than most other preorder deals out there. Plus, my internet is

How is Twitch claiming this is a DMCA violation? These people bought the game from retail. They have done nothing wrong and broken no laws. Twitch is free to do what they will with their service and ban people for whatever reason they see fit, but I wish they wouldn’t hide behind the DMCA when these users have not

This reminds me of the emails I get from Amazon after making a purchase. “Hey, you just bought that 60” TV? Here’s a bunch more TVS you didn’t buy.” Do those even work?

Fyi, there is no such thing as a HDMI 2.0 cable. Just use the regular 1.4 cables and as long as both ports are 2.0 you are good to go.

I’ll second that. I bought the same case last Black Friday for $100. It was a joy to work with. I love having all the cables and ugliness on one side and all the devices that need to be cooled on the other. It makes for a clean looking build and great cooling. I highly recommend it!

Is there a reason that the links for those cards take you to a French site? I was trying to find out how he did it, but it is kind of hard when I can’t read the links.

Do you have the data to post? How did you measure? That is the key.

You can buy it again at the reduced price and it will add 2 years on top of your existing one.

Yes, you can double dip like that. Trade in your games and get the 10% bonus on your trade in. (Bestbuy already has pretty decent trade in prices compared to Amazon and Gamestop)

Any new game, regardless of age. As long as it is new in box you get 20%. You will get Destiny for $40.

There is no limit to the number of games you can buy, but I think you can only buy 3 copies of each game. I don't know why but the discount also works on Amiibos!

There is no limit to the number of titles, but I think you can only buy 3 copies of the same game. I don't know why, but it also works on Amiibos!

If you really want a good deal on Xbox gift cards, BestBuy has a $50 pack for $40.50 (19% discount). It is actually a $45 pack with a free bonus $5, but still gets the extra 10% from the sale. Best deal I've seen in a long time.

And he still did it faster than I can with 2 eyes.

Truly Limited Editions come to mind. I just ordered the Limited Edition Majora's Mask. Sold out quick. But, I trust Nintendo to ship a game that is complete and mostly bug free.

Link? I can't find it on their website. I've got GCU and BestBuy is my preferred place to buy games.

Speaking of preowned, Best Buy seems to offer more for trades, too. With GCU you get a trade in bonus and rewards points. It adds up!

Speaking of preowned, Best Buy seems to offer more for trades, too. With GCU you get a trade in bonus and rewards

Gamers Club Unlocked has been the best investment. Best Buy has pretty much guaranteed my business for 2 years. I also have the credit card for 5% back. Plus, $10 in rewards for pre ordering console games. Preordering a $60 game? I get $12 off. Plus get $12.40 in rewards to buy more stuff effectively bringing the

Gamers Club Unlocked has been the best investment. Best Buy has pretty much guaranteed my business for 2 years. I

I started playing but can't get past the first battle with your brother. My Flareon gets past his Grimer just fine but his stupid Pinceco keeps selfdestructing. My Flareon faints and then I blackout because I still can't get pokeballs to have a backup pokemon. I've died 3 times now.

I second the recommendation of "What if?" I prefer those to his cartoons and they are so well thought out. Definitely a fun read!