
Neither jean NOR cargo shorts, although they sell both

I fully embrace the Tommy Bahama lifestyle. I’m 48, white, affluent and live in So Cal, so I guess I have no choice. My closet is full of Tommy Bahama shirts, jeans, shorts, etc.

MadBum does this all the time. He’s pretty much a 24/7 asshole.

He got stuck in the flood so he had to beat it.

That will teach Pierzynski to put donuts in his pockets before taking the field.

“Aaron Hernandez’ conviction will certainly damage his brand” — Darren Rovell

Just saw that she actually chipped in from the rough to force the playoff in the first place.

Good time to mention Bryce Harper is younger than Kris Bryant

I was one of his teacher/coaches in high school. He wasn’t quite so terrible then, but he did live in a group home after being expelled from another high school. No dad in the picture, entitled athlete and so on. You could see it coming. Some fantastic nurturing by the head football coach/de facto father figure kept

I'm so straight I eat hot dogs sideways, but that is one good looking man

Again, you think you know, but you don't. Exegesis of the passages proves it out. No need to get into it further here.

My point is, what the bible says and what it means aren't always the same thing. I grant you that you've read the bible and can pull out passages on slavery. When those passages are exegeted, however, the result is different. That's all I'm trying to say; not trying to be a high-and-mighty jerk.

A little about myself: I'm an adjunct professor in U.S. History, and a seminary graduate who spent 12 years as a senior pastor. We likely don't have all the same views on things, but I do know what has happened in US History and what the bible says. And well, the bible is decidedly not pro-slavery.

My wife's car is in the shop, so she borrowed her dad's. This morning I moved her dad's car a block over, and she was 100% sure it got stolen. That's how it's done.

I know. I referenced that in my post.

Refusing to serve Southern blacks could not be explained by First Amendment rights, and the Supreme Court agreed. I know the arguments about Southern preachers and their teaching about slavery etc. those views can't be backed up biblically nor legally. Regardless of what society as a whole thinks about same sec

But see, this is the beauty of the free market and individual liberty. The pizza place owners have the freedom to do what they want, and market forces will combine to drive their business down into the ground. This is why the vast, vast majority of business owners who may have a religious objection to same-sex

Yeah, my 13 y.o. daughter wasn't enough of an emotional wreck just from being 13 y.o. Thanks Liam (or w/e)

"Non-sexual relationship"? So, they are married?

Guy on the left just caught the power of the Holy Ghost