
Having dan intentionally send Billy (producer for the day) our of his seat right before this was a brilliant way to absolve him of his responsibility. With on a POC and a white Jewish guy in the booth, he went after Trump and the racists in full force.

Go fuck yourself.

Nah, she’s not among us. After they went back to that Wal Mart, one of the managers there mistook her for an employee and asked why she wasnt at her register. She dutifully donned her apron and set to work, and she’s been at that register ever since

Rizzo did not try to break the catchers leg — he tried to break up a throw. Stop with the histrionics.

Barstool is thataway, brother.

He seemed to be enjoying SCPD’s elite crowd control.

No way man. If you strike first, you have every fucking right to get your shit rocked. This is all on her.

His lawyer told him to plead the fifth, but he already drank it

To be fair, when the opposing team can put Yu Darvish as a starter in game THREE, there’s..... Not a lot you can do.

They’re gonna need one hell of an 80s-themed instagram-friendly polyester suit and whacky hat party to crawl their way out of this hole. If anybody can pull it off though, it’s Joe Maddon.

Whispers: If you’re a moron, like I....

Sometimes a racist flag is just a racist flag.

“You wanna fight, faggot? I’ll kick your ass.” Ya. Wow. So disheartening. I mean, it’s 2017. Let’s torch and pitchfork his ass back to double-A. It’s our moral obligation, right?

Pfft. As a baseball purist, I find the Sacrifice Bunt Derby far more entertaining.

Well, it would be, but he’s talking about Boston, a fourth rate city he gave WAY to much credit to.

This guy has yet to make it through 12 steps, let alone an entire staircase. 

The KKK never really took off in Arizona as it’s a lot of letters to remember.

Well Golfcartgate seems like both a good name and just a summary of the narrative.

They should wear those once a month.

That’s called a “Neverfucking” I believe.