Whenever you said the word "squirrel", my friend's dog would run to the nearest window and start barking like crazy. It was pretty funny.
Whenever you said the word "squirrel", my friend's dog would run to the nearest window and start barking like crazy. It was pretty funny.
I know! I was such an idiot.
I remember making pet rocks in kindergarten from rocks we found outside. I had no idea people were actually buying that shit, though.
Oh, ok. So just to be clear, you're grossed out by your own random speculation about someone, correct?
I take it you knew him personally. Only a true friend would know what Mr. Feng would do if given a second chance.
That's a lot of responsibility. I can barely take care of myself. By the time we retire, maybe the PS8 will have backwards compatibility.
Lag you say? Good. I'll blame it on that. :)
Luckily, I'm not married, so I got that going for me.
Yeah, I'm in my 30s. I can't see myself spending entire days playing these games like I did when I first got them. I'm still getting them, though. They'll be nice to play when I'm relaxed and don't have stupid adult stuff to do.
I think you got one of the ultimate weapons or something. I have no idea since I couldn't do it. ;)
I'm pretty excited for this. I played both games but never beat them. I got close but just chose not to finish for whatever reason. Twice, actually.
Don't forget about the lightning dodging "game"! I think I dodged at most 5 bolts before I gave up.
The difference is that FFX/X-2 HD are actually remasters, not remakes. My understanding (and I could be wrong!) is that a remaster is much easier to do than a remake since, as the name implies, you're more or less tweaking it and improving parts of the game. A remake, on the other hand, requires actually rebuilding…
Maybe, but not all the time. It's hard not to escape hyperbolic/sensational headlines on any website these days. The difference to me is that Upworthy seems only to create click-bait sensationalist headlines linking to YouTube videos. At least a site like Kotaku mostly (or occasionally) creates original content…
I really dislike Upworthy. Just send me the YouTube link. I don't need someone writing a sensationalist and, oftentimes, judgmental title.
Nice! Kind of reminds me of EGO-WRAPPIN'.
I can't stand the Francis character, or any character that screams and is always angry. But when I saw his whiteboard video it was really eye-opening. He seems like such a thoughtful person.
Damnit! I knew I should have checked in with you to see what your personal opinion is on something before I committed. I guess I should now stop liking my kindle because you think a book is better. Personal opinion be damned! I'm such an idiot!
Great face!
Oh my. I hadn't even noticed it. That's creepy!