I do this all the time and it’s the only thing that works. It’s part of my regular routine almost every morning. It’s not really a solution for scratches but the dirt and oil from your face is probably a bigger issue in most cases. After hot water and dish soap, I blast ‘em dry with compressed air!
“Guy had decided that the two men running the restaurant were life partners,” (ex-producer David) Page remembers. “He said, ‘You can’t send me to talk to gay people without warning! Those people weird me out!’”
The answer to the question asked in the headline is obviously money. Almost any competent Hollywood director can be slotted into a Marvel film. The “pre-vis” concept has evolved from creating rough animatics to delivering completely polished blueprints that leave little room for director’s input. It’s not just wholly…
I think conflating publishing and “literature” paints a picture of book selling that is different from reality. Fiction is maybe 10% of book sales.
Black Flag may have invented the ad hoc indie touring model. By 1980, they were on the road doing cross-country tours without any real logistical support.
Tom Scott is pretty amazing.
Yes. I did an unscientific side-by-side comparison between a major brand and dollar store stuff and the cheap stuff was definitely thinner. It felt watered down.
“...Out Come the Wolves” was the only album that ever felt like a real punk album to me compared to the cartoonish stuff from Green Day, Offspring et al.
But I do...
A dollar store trip is essential when you move into a new place.
There seems to be a consensus that dollar store brands of liquid household items like shampoo, dish detergent and window cleaners are watered-down versions of their supermarket counterparts. Also, if you would like a good metric for dollar store economics, pick up a bottle of “isopropyl alcohol” and check what…
Wait...WHAT? There is a Def Leppard bio pic? I’m on it!
Stop blaming Facebook for letting the world know your uncle is a racist.
She doesn’t say what Warner Bros. did in response to Whedon...but she also doesn’t say what Whedon actually said to her in the first place. That leaves open a pretty wide range of possibilities.
“Dreamland” was a good read.
“Dopesick” gets complicated at times but it’s certainly no more taxing than trying to untangle the plot lines in a Marvel movie. Michael Stuhlbarg plays Purdue like a damn Bond villain. At one point he delivers a monologue outlining his plans world domination in front of a stylized map in his secret lair. It’s very…
Apparently, in the early days of Amazon, a query for “The The” CD would melt their sever.
Did someone call my name?
As evidenced via the trailer, Cousin Greg and Tom are apparently back together at some point. And Greg says something about not knowing what Kendall was planning.