Mormon Nailer

He wouldn’t stand a chance against “Bill Bush’s Paper Tiger”(sic).

Considering it’s a doc by horror specialists Blumhouse, it’s not surprising what transpires. It’s hard to ignore (in a car-crash kind of way) and it hits all the right beats dramatically. But it’s pretty shallow and the gauzy dramatic recreations jettison credibility for “Unsolved Mysteries” style titillation.

The mold speculation is debunked fairly convincingly in the documentary.

The leftover Dominos pizza hack that made the rounds a while back works great: put a slice in a very hot (dry) frying pan for a spell. Toss a tablespoon (or so) of water on the surface of the pan and immediately put a lid on it for a minute or so. The steam re-melts the cheese’s pretty amazing what it can

As far as pasta that is already mixed with sauce, the ice cube seems more complicated than my go-to method of just stirring in a drizzle of water, covering and stirring a couple times during the heating process. Sometimes I toss some butter in there for the heck of it.

Oh the irony of admonishing Fincher for a documentary on “cancel culture” sight unseen. Exactly why it should happen.

Egads! A pitch for meat products that includes the bloody stump of a severed thumb? I can’t imagine that passed the focus group test.

I wish she would have been given more to do but it’s a stretch to say she “stole” the film. If anything, her part was so obviously shoehorned in that it’s almost insulting.

INB4 someone says Walt Disney was an anti-Semite. (Not true.)

Greg and Tom are apparently back together according to the trailer.

Two years, I hopped on a plane for the first time in five years or so. I bought tickets from Expedia and for some reason my boarding pass got me through the fast lane line at several airports. I didn’t apply for PreCheck. I had no idea what that was about but I’m wondering if I’ll get the same treatment when I sar

This. You should get the ball rolling in a conversation. Get a back and forth exchange going. And shut yer yap abruptly so your subject feels compelled to fill the silence! Works like a charm.

Even the most bankable A-list actors probably spend 8 hours in a gym for every hour they are actually “acting” in front of a camera.

Richard Kind is always amazing on Gilbert’s podcast.

Until the internet ate everything, “Educational” television was chock full of stuff like this broadcast at strange, fringe hours. There were endless hours of droll programming designed to be recorded and watched by students at home. The production values were worse than this. I remember a regularly scheduled Ivy league

The first episode leaned in a bit too far on quirkiness and contrivances. It’s hard to see where it will go but I’m willing to tag along for a bit.

...but you can buy organic food with SNAP benefits. Hell, you can buy lobsters and caviar!

Screw you hippies. I think it looks pretty cool. The price is a bit much tho.

Hank Hill = Foghorn Leghorn!

The report (via Korea not MIT) is Evidence of Long-Distance Droplet Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by Direct Air Flow in a Restaurant in Korea”