Mormon Nailer

Agreed on the AV Club politics. It’s getting really heavy-handed and obvious. But I didn’t think it was a very good film. I enjoyed the book but I think part of the problem is conflating rural poor with Trump supporters. Which may be largely true, but they’re still human beings. The kind of misery that leads to

Shapiro’s a tool but he seems smart enough to know this is not a good movie. His knee-jerk defense shows how calculated and insincere he is. It’s like all the Republicans who smirked about Trump becoming President and then climbed aboard that crazy train when he was elected.

I thought the book was unfairly maligned. But the film is really clumsy and disjointed. It’s just awkward and pointless. If there really was some polarizing political dogma behind the book, the film would have been better off bringing it to the surface. Instead, it’s sort of misery-margarine. It looks like a “real”

This sounds like an uncharted level of hell. It’s actually a pretty awesome commercial. One of the best I’ve seen in years. A great way to spend 90 seconds.

I took Clifford’s red hue to be a design choice that represented what we typically think of as a “red” dog. In other words, he was orange. Like an Irish setter. Like you would call Little Orphan Annie or Danny(s) Bonaduce and Kaye “red heads” when they were really orange headed.

Stop trying to make “Snyder Tribalist” a thing.

It’s still great fun and as easy to jump into as any casual game. I’m not much of a hardcore gamer. I want to mess around with stuff that has actual “play” value. The same things that make kids’ toys great. Toys for adults (um, not “adult toys”...I think that means something different.) The GTA world is obviously a

If you ever microwaved a hamburger, it’s the same thing. (Not that I ever did that. Even late one night whilst very drunk and really hungry. Nope. Never.)

I got it. But it’s too dorky to admit. Oh, wait...

P.S. the Bath and Body works candle is 4.5 ounces lighter than the Capri Blue candle.

My candles are mostly of the dollar store variety but I just looked at a dozen or so and not a single one has anything on the label about “burn time.” I’m sure the composition has something to do with it but I always figured burn time usually correlates to weight.

John Cleese has not murdered anyone or encouraged others to do so. In saner times, his rather passive, benign attitude towards trans people would have been heralded as risky and progressive.

Agreed. Conan is sort of an underappreciated presence in that weird Pewdiepie realm. That said, it looks like he does really well in there and (truth be told) that is where I watch his stuff.

Jesus Christ, I love Dolly Parton but can this PR machine-fueled canonization please stop? She’s great. She’s fabulous. She always has been. But just because she has some Christmas teevee thing coming out could you people maybe come up with someone else to write about. It’s not like you gave much of a shit about Dolly

I think it happens mostly to women. Even more so for women with siblings who already have kids. I think there are some other things going on with Dolly Parton that make it a bit more complicated.

Some of the early shorts were kinetic and violent (and fun) slapstick with great music cues in lieu of actual story. These shorts led small children to believe that a cat colliding with a cast-iron frying pan would create a feline with a frying pan-shaped head. Paramount’s “Herman and Katnip” were a few years earlier

Anyone writing about movies who doesn’t know this should not be writing about movies.

That’s not what I was thinking. And I have no idea what the author was thinking either. He evokes some lukewarm second-hand shade towards Fincher in a jokey, non-committal way. Then he quickly reverses course to damn him via his association with Spacey. But then he wraps it all up with a faux warning to “cancellers.”

I can’t really parse the take presented here. It comes almost satirically close to invoking a cancel stamp on Fincher for even broaching the subject. That’s kind of the problem with (real or imagined) “cancel culture”. Suffocating a nascent idea before it even reaches the level of vague is pretty bad.

I think a lot of the audio problems I encounter on Netflix are the results of streaming/compression issues. Add Bluetooth headphones to that chain and anything can happen. I have found myself pulling out some old DVDs lately (after a steady diet of streaming video for the past few months) and while the picture is