Mormon Nailer

The snarky allusion to an antisemitic Walt Disney was a bit much. The most reliable source for this trope is repeated (and funny) jokes on “Family Guy.” Disney had many undesirable traits by contemporary standards. But there is zero evidence of him being an anti-semite.

I remember years ago when something like a new PC meant a huge leap forward in performance. And soon enough, the life cycle caught up as you bought updated programs that were really optimized for the next machine you had to buy.

Best bet is a pawn shop and a $100 PS3 and oodles of $5-$10 games.

It’s the same old story everytime a next gen console launches: “...but their are no games that take advantage of the new (stuff)“. It’s the chicken or egg thing again.  Invariably, the games (and the market) catch up when the economics balance out. Personally, I’m more than happy to welcome a flood of cheap PS4

Yard signs are a big deal in street level, suburban politics. A lot of time and effort are put into distributing them. It’s not so much the impression they make as it is a show of commitment on behalf of the person willing to display them. Hillary Clinton’s campaign in northeast Pennsylvania was notoriously stingy

I was halfway through the book when I first read something online about it being some sort of conservative talking point. I didn’t really see that on the page but it sort of spoiled it. I don’t think it’s entirely justified but it’s not out of left field either. Likewise, this review seems to jump around conflating

The “Anne Hathaway Effect” posits that Warren Buffet’s Berkshire-Hathaway shares rise in value when Ms. H makes news. The stock has been fairly routine the last few days after taking a dip on election day. I guess the jury is still out.

Nope. Never again. This is not great advice. I tried several times to hand over some shekels to relatively innocuous looking, seemingly legit “adult” sites (including what was supposedly a performer’s self-run endeavor) and out of a half dozen transactions, three of them took my credit card info and attempted to

It’s harder for some people than others. But there are 10 million people in the U.S. who are millionaires. If that many people can pull it off, it ain’t impossible. (If you don’t have a twin sibling, that’s impossible to reconcile...and there are 10 million of them in the U.S.).

We all have as much first-hand knowledge about what happened in Depp’s icky household as anyone at G/O Media. But gloating over a decision against Depp and in favor of The Sun and (owner) Rupert Murdoch is rather complicated. The tabloid’s rather devil-may-care relationship with facts is exactly the same kind of thing

As an internet comments lawyer, I think you can go ahead and hit “record” when you hear that disclaimer.

The list of stuff we can’t say anymore grows and grows...

My favorite “independent” retailer is G/O Media’s “The Inventory.” Which is “independent” of the editorial department just because they say so. Pay no attention to the proximity of editorial and advertising content that sit side by side on the same page. It’s easy to tell them apart.

I don’t think I’d be a good candidate to host. It would be kind of distracting seeing me put my reading glasses on before every line.

It’s a tough skill to master. There’s a great YouTube SNL behind-the-scenes with the cue card guys bemoaning the fact that changes are often made at the very last second. But sometimes you see that look on the performer’s faces and wonder if the guy holding the cards has picked the best place to stand.

I didn’t think that was directed at her looks. I can think of plenty of fine looking YouTubers with awful content. Actually, most of them.

Honestly, I never saw Burr with that glazed off-center stare towards the cue cards that seems to plague hosts. I’m going to take another look.

Lorne Michaels often threw shade on competing sketch comedy purveyors by proclaiming that SNL would not stoop to cheap laughs via characters with funny sounding names. Take that Parkyakarkus and Hedley Lamarr!

Would this still fly on the AV Club if they targeted the endless affiliate shills from G/O Media? Yeah, we know there’s a GIANT IMPENETRABLE WALL between “advertising and editorial” because everyone clicks through the disclaimers and reads the fine print. It’s not advertising, it’s “COMMERCE CONTENT.”

...are there even story elements in Space Mountain? I know there is some audio jibber-jabber and space “theming” but I can recall anything beyond flashing lights and whooshing.