
The author of this article has clearly never seen the movie “Up”, which destroys your heart in the first ten minutes of film. I tear up just thinking about it, and I’m one of those “Men don’t cry” kinda guys.

Roswell was a failed test of a high altitude surveillance device using a Mylar reinforced balloon as the delivery system. They miscalculated the tensile strength of the Mylar at high altitudes and the Roswell myth was born.

You Hilary should have been?

And this is how Liberals are manipulating our country! This morally superior arrogance that, if you are not liberal, you are wrong. I’m not defending that dumb ass Trump, and I am not republican...but..there are good, rational minded people who are not going to agree with you, that find your arguments not well

(Insert Chris Crocker’s voice here) Shame on you. Leave Ken Bone alone! Just....sob...sob....Leave him alone!!

I don’t remember which kaiju film it is, but there is a “big monster” film where the Japanese are flat out racist towards Americans. They keep blaming America for the Kaiju, and then there is American with them that keeps bumbling things up and the Japanese protagonist has to fix the big dumb jock’s mistakes. It was

I tend to agree. I am a meat eater, but I think that altruistic behavior is a sign of a higher intelligence that needs to be considered. It pisses me off when I see dolphins getting captured or killed, even if they do tend to be ass holes...they are still super smart creatures with a knowledge of self. Horses,

Honestly, I think it would be foolish for nations to not be working on a climate control system that can be globally accessible, and it is my guess that there is development in progress on this kind of thing, but that kind of technology is probably still decades away.

Way to take a global tragedy that should bring us together and turn it into a polarizing political commentary.


Nicely analyzed. I find your thoughts on this very convincing. It is more impactful if Deckard is a human who ran off with a replicant because he saw what he had been doing as murder and he wants to save her. The book “Bladerunner 2" Sees Deckard looking for a cure for Rachel, because it turns out she does have an

The game was really great. I still keep an old laptop around just so I can play it through every once in a while.

BladeRunner is one of my favorite Sci-Fi films, though Aliens is number 1. It gave me much higher expectations for 2000 and teens. Actually, it might be why I so often feel let down when I walk out to my boring ground vehicle in the morning and there are no flaming smoke stacks to keep me company.

They made it work for Carry Fisher, didn’t they?

I think it’s “It’s too bad she won’t live...but then again, who does?”

Netflix is ticking me off because they keep jacking up their price like...every 3 months. Hulu is ticking me off because they keep letting good series slip away because they are inflexible with franchise owners.

I usually can’t stand it when you, Ellie, and some of the other liberal writers here dive into the “let’s pick on conservative Americans as being ignorant, racist Bigots, and basically just all wrong because they don’t see things the way that human beings are supposed to see them” bits...but, in this case, you’ve got

That is exactly who I thought that guy looked like....but Steve was not in Jupiter Ascending.

I imagine that, much like Superman Vs Batman, this extended cut will accomplish nothing other than torturing us for an extra half an hour or so, while, simultaneously, not adding a F—king thing worth a crap to the story or depth of the characters.

Funny. I don’t recall the veterans that were there having a problem with what he said.