
This sounds cool. The teaser pick is really compelling.

SHAME on that man for wasting beer.

Oh...I suspect the ocean will outlive us. I don’t think people realize what a tiny, tiny thing humanity is compared to the vastness of the Earth’s Oceans. We might damage it...we might even bring many species to extinction...but it will live on, because it is way bigger than anything we can do to it and WAY more

You need to get out more!

I watched this show and enjoyed it. But I couldn’t help but think about how, if that show had at least half white cast, social justice warriors would have accused it of racial stereotyping.

I loved the Descent. It felt like something that could really happen all the way through. I don’t like the British ending very much, but the American ending was stupid. Neither ending actually fits comfortably with the sequel, though.

Mark got it a little wrong. Batman could not turn his head in that movie...but I guess we all with that he could have, so it’s all good.

This is the weirdest list I’ve seen in a while. There are entries on here that are horrible, dry, and boring. This list focuses almost entirely on drama, and does not really feel well rounded or representative of cultural, contextual, and demographic considerations.

Up here in Ohio, we had a man that was assaulted by a few guys dressed as clowns, and I read somewhere that a guy shot a clown a few nights ago in a near-by county.

That teaser gif was the coolest —- GIF —- EVER! Not that I am a solid state rocket expert, but the image does look like a mechanical failure. It starts right at the seam line of the rocket.

They will make him say things like “This is huge!” and “I am super rich, but you don’t see me bragging about it!”. I shouldn’t make fun. I should be acting all offended, because I think I may have to vote for him, but he is so ridiculous! At this point, I’m voting according to who will wind up in the cabinet,

That sucks, Man. The Hall of Presidents is cool. Just be glad the Haunted Mansion is still open.

LOL I thought I was alone in my “whiny liberal” disdain. And there is an overwhelming assumption that they are right, and any other view is evil or ignorant. Maybe we are all that way to some degree, but, with the extreme liberal agenda, this seems to be an attitude of moral superiority.

This is SUCH an extremely irritating feature. Without warning, my windows has restarted in the middle of me typing a document, and I lost what was not in memory already.


Everytime we watch this movie, my friends and I scream out, “NO...Porkins!”when he blows up, followed by grieving and awe, as if we were seeing it for the first time. It is tradition. They need to have a Porkins backstory in Rogue 1 somewhere.

Robotech is my jam.

This was on the PS4...they are not really enforcing the rules with PS4. A game, which, for the record, auto-updates about once a month. They could have patched this glitch long ago, but they haven’t. I’ve never duped items on the PC version, nor would I run a bot to harvest gold. It irritates me when I become aware