
I kinda see it the way you just said it. There is an easy way to dupe items on Diablo 3 that is nothing more than a glitch in mailing things to other players. I created a second player to play the game with, and I have duped tons of items...but it was within the game code. No coding or hacking required. It wasn’t

Total guess here, but they may have switched to black and white because it requires less data to send, and this would be useful when you are reaching the edge of a signal’s integrity.

Is this a partisan website. I keep seeing “Trump sucks” posts. And...for the record, I’m pretty sure he does suck, but I don’t see any “Hilary sucks” posts, and I’m pretty sure she does too.

I love Tim Burton movies...maybe because I AM weird white people...but I also love Samuel L Jackson’s reaction. Jackson has been in more than a few movies that directly addressed racism in this country, and he was like, “ big deal. Is what it is. Tim is great.” So...Social Justice Warriors, please leave

Oh...there is a lot of latent racism on all sides. We don’t see modern all black cast movies as racist, such as in the case of Tyler Perry movies, but by God you best have a black, or an Asian person in your white dominated movie. Do you know when racism will TRUELY end, Mr. Bricken? When we stop keeping records on

I haven’t seen the new Ghostbusters, but I’ll tell you what I think from experience. A good movie remains pretty good even with cuts. I can’t think of a single example of a movie that sucked in its first cut and then everything was okay by the end of the extended cut. Take, for example, Superman Vs Batman. The

Maybe. It does seem like an advanced seen in the same movie that has literally frame by frame, hand animated light balls disappearing into the depths of the ocean. It’s only there for a second, but it jars me every time.

Yes it was. I had a little geekagasm when I first saw that they added that scene in the extended cut.

If only there was a way to capture methane from micro-biology and livestock...we would have a potential powerful fuel.

I think he means modern to north America. Mexico has always had “spicy” chocolate.

I must also submit that I always enjoyed the Buck Rogers opening sequence.

I think the intro that came to mind for me right away as just outstanding at setting tone and immersing you in the show is “The Walking Dead” intro.

Oh...but that song! It’s like nails on the chalk board.

I was thinking, while reading this, “Real Life Jackie Brown”.

After the 6th Sense, I was expecting big things from Shyamalan, but my hopes were quickly and painfully dashed by the stupidity that was Signs. And then it got worse from there, with such gems as The Happening, The Village, and the absolutely unwatchable Lady In The Water. In fact, those movies were so bad that it

Hmmm...I was under the impression that Mercury had no magnetic field, probably because that is what they have been reporting up until recently. Interesting.

My dad is this way, yet he is SO quick to sell or get rid of our stuff that was left in storage. But ask him to part with a single storage box, even though he has ten in the attic not in use, and you have got a huge fight on your hands. He kept going on about how the garage was a mess because of us boys messing it

Sounds dumb....but I will have to watch it, because my best friend will have a horrorgasm when he finds out about this.

I’d love to buy one of these.

Hmmm....he should be squandering some of his fame on Kardashian dating....because he can!