
I’m kinda on-board with you. I was getting ready to post a question of “Am I the only one that thinks this movie looks gimiky and lame?” It looks silly to me.

I loved this movie. I was very irritated with Superman Vs Batman...but this movie was surprisingly good. I’m not sure why it got so much hate.

Same here. I thought, “Oh, Man. Seth is going to screw up the already smoldering carcass of what is left of the Star Trek legacy (even though it is not technically Star Trek) ...but...surprise, surprise...Seth brought us a love letter to what Star Trek should be today, with a little humor mixed in...and it is selling.

So...this show is great. Now that it has launched, I am actually surprised that IO9 isn’t providing reviews and thoughts about this series so far.

This is a great article. Thanks for the tips. I recently befriended a black guy I work with, and he gets it that I grew up in a little all white farm community while he, on the other hand, grew up in Cleveland. We had a great laugh reading over this article, but he said you give sound advice. I totally would run

I prefer cable TV to other media streaming services, but cable TV is just too damned expensive, and they are not doing a damned thing to compete with other alternatives. Time Warner owns the cables in our area, so no one can afford to provide a cheaper cable services than they can offer, because they have to pay to

That shot of the Klingons screaming is probably from the funeral depicted earlier as we have come to know that the Klingons cry out when one of them dies to let everyone in Stovokor know that a fallen warrior is on his way.

This looks decent....darker than past series. The Klingon’s look stupid as hell....but guess it is too late for making those kinds of changes. What we see is what we are going to get. The characters and action feels very... “JJ Abramsish” which does not make me super excited...but...whatever. I’m a Trekker. I’m

I wind up in similar queries about “Finding Dory”. When Nemo and Marlin survive in mop water or an obviously fresh water tank...or Dory is just fine in a cup of distilled water.

Worst-Movies-Ever. SAF!

If that is a date on the stone, it would be a good bet that it is Rachel’s grave stone. The date would line up well with her expiration theory.

Arrow and Flash are both victims of poor story and poor planning. Arrow has been TERRIBLE this season. It feels obvious that these writers do not know where else to go from here in both shows. But future Barry turning out to be Savitar? I groaned at the sheer stupidity of that writing decision and churned in my

If I had $75 G, I would totally buy this and deal with my wife’s wrath later.

I like your response. It is one of those unintentional things that happens in homes once the kids start getting older. They lean on one parent or another, and the spouse just kinda lets it be. My wife and I have two, and one of them will probably cling more to her, while I will probably take care of the other most

My name is Kevin Cantrell and I approved of this swimwear.

What is this from? It reminds me of a game I played called Shadowman.

I am a huge Star Trek fan, and....honestly, I enjoyed Nemesis. I’ve never understood the hate it gets. I actually despise the JJ Abrams films because he has absolutely NO respect for the franchise or its cannon, but a lot of you same folks that hated Nemesis for its shortcomings would say the JJ Abrams films were a

I knew this one. It is one of the trenches that runs latitudinal from the equator to the north pole.

WWWWWHHHHHHAAAATTTT? You must be trying to start stuff. Pixar is killing it with their movies right now. Every movie they have released has been great, and hailed by critics.

Hmmm....she could totally work in that role.