
Well...there are a few ways to keep something warm in space, and...without them, it will freeze solid. Pluto is not close enough to the sun to glean much heating radiation from it. Being insulated would not be enough without something to warm it up. So, that water is getting warmth from somewhere. Now...Pluto has no

I’ve never understood people that are afraid of rats or mice. Mice are particularly unoffensive creatures, their worst trait being their willingness to chew through your food containers and eat your food. Rats are a little more aggressive, but they too tend to be docile and disinterested in intentional harm to others.

Psychology is, by its nature, specifically applicable to the time and culture during which experiments were conducted first and foremost. Retesting with new cultures and in new times allows us to separate constants from contextual results. This is where the term “soft” science must be considered, because no result is


Danmit! I just keep getting a long list of cat videos with that search on Youtube! I want to see this video.

Oh...I have got to get this for my predator figures.

It insures ethnic division...while discouraging diversity.

I’ve decided that there is no WAY I would pull the plug for my 2 y/o son. Someone else would have to do it...and I would not want to be there to see it.

I was thinking the same thing! Cold gas may be hard to find out there, especially when it is not ionized (No Glow). Cold Gas galaxies might be everywhere, with new ones forming now...rather than just these glimpses into the distant past.

Well..the cast has kinda age too much now, but...I loved the movie, “Serenity” (Which I actually watched before knowing that there was a series that it was part of), and, with how well received it was, I fully expected a sequel...but, alas, none shall come.

“Troops” already made me feel sorry for Storm Troopers.

Me too. Since I became a father of a child who is now 2, I have DEEPLY empathized with stories of parents who lose their little ones. The pain of such a loss would be seemingly unbearable for me....especially pulling the plug myself.

But, on a more serious note, the culture of poverty in our country (and I speak form the perspective of a teacher) can not afford to make education a priority, because they are worrying about how to put food on the table tomorrow. Over generations, the value of education gets minimized in favor for survival. They

Hmmm...I agree. It is wrong to associate intelligence with wealth. There are some absolutely STUPID rich people. Look at our current candidates if you question this. For GOD’s sake, look no further than Paris Hilton

I said it in the first post, and I will say it again here. There is no need for people to be upset at all about this costume, let alone pull it from shelves. I hate living in a hyper-sensitive, offense-phobic society. There are SOOOOO much more important things to worry about than weather my 5 year old is being a

Agreed. Readers of the first post about this costume were all like...”What? What’s wrong with this?” but the writer has held her ground that this is culturally insensitive brownface. I disagree with her entirely...I’m as white as they come...and I would have thought it was cool to dress up with tattoos all over me,

Will this game be considered cannon, at least in the video game Batman universe?

I want to see an “I come in Peace” sequel.

That would be insanely time consuming!

Very cool. This technology could become extremely useful when combined with other archaeological techniques.