
I loved SimGolf. I was hoping to see it on this list, but you didn’t even include the Sims at all.

You ever get excited about something and then realize how completely lame it is that this thing excites you? That just happened to me when I saw the Smurfs poster. What’s wrong with me?

I’ve been an IO9 fan for a while now, but this is now my second favorite Gizmodo destination. Love debunk stuff.

Yeah...whenever we see cell phones in old footage from the 1920s...especially when people have it to their ear, the one question that is entirely inescapable is....and what cell phone tower, service provider, or satellite are they using exactly?

I am usually the first one to notice computer graphics in movies, but I had no idea that this suit was animated. Amazing work on their parts. must bare in mind that this entire world is constructed in the head of child who does not know how to say “ecology”, let alone understand and implement it in his imaginary world.

I found an old school book (Science) that was used in the 1920s on a dusty book shelf in a little hotel. When I opened it, I discovered that it had been functioning as a memories book for a young lady who would be graduating in 1927. She had scribbled notes, a torn up letter, which I reassembled, a dried up lemon

It really seems like studios are getting themselves into a damned if they do, damned if they don’t situation here. I mean, if they include a Chinese character, then they walk a fine line where they get accused of minimizing them or relying on racist stereotypes. If they don’t include them, then people get huffy

I don’t know about Chinese movies...I have not seen many of those. But I saw a Japanese Godzilla movie that was flat out racist towards whites...well white Americans to be specific. USA was responsible for everything wrong. There was a token White guy that kept screwing everything up and the Japanese protagonist would

I have rarely been satisfied with the sculpts for Marvel characters. This is a great idea...having the whole Juggernaut parts with each unit....but the sculpts are not good...with the exception of Deadpool, who it seems like they spent a little extra time with.

I have trouble understanding why one would build an RC plane at like...1/3 scale. So expensive and it just ends with a very big toy that you have to find a place to store.

this is great news.

I kinda like it.

I want one.

Uggg...I gotta watch the kidos this weekend!

I know...right? do you get an image that responded from an Earth based telescope. My images look more like the one you posted!

I am almost as fascinated with the deep sea as I with space. They are equally beautiful and foreign to me.

I knew there’d be some liberal a-holes (Not all liberals are being pointed at here...just the a-holes) on here defending her protest! Look...if you are going to play for a U S team, your personal freedoms or demonstrating your “opinion” in a “non-violent” way or not standing for the anthem because you don’t “feel”

Your Next was not the scary for me, given that I was onto the PLOTTWIST half way through, but I completely enjoyed that film. You do not see it coming when she goes bad assed on the bad guys. That same director did a newer film called HUSH, and it was genuinely frightening if you are able to put yourself in the deaf

Ohhhh...this will be a must watch. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil was one of the best horror comedies I’ve ever seen. I loved it. Usually, if horror goes comedy, they go slapstick with it, but TandDvsE was wonderfully ironic and had very few jokes fall flat within its presentation. I am looking forword to Little Evil.