
I am sorry for this man’s misfortune, the same time...this is exciting news for me because it is the first I’ve heard of this movie actually being off the drawing board and in production.

No. That is

I loved Alien Nation. The show was great and the movie was decent. I’m looking forward to the remake. This could work well as a social commentary.

The universe....IS his vehicle! That’s how bad assed he is!

It would be fine if they were, but I do not think the relationship between Seven and Janeway was in, any way, gay. It was a mother, watching after her child that she felt guilty and responsible for delivering from blissful obliviousness into self awareness, much like new mothers do for their newborns. Janeway makes

You reach me, Brother....or are you a Herbert?

Hear us, Oh mighty IO9 writers! Jeffrey needs his own article!

Hahaha....the right moment out of context and reversed half way through!

In my opinion, an under rated, enjoyable episode! Celebrate the weekend!

This made me laugh...especially when I saw it on the episode.

My favorite Star Trek GIF ever!

He was not aware that the mouse was designed to move the pointer across the screen....yet....he was able to interface with the computer and create a visual display of the formula for transparent aluminum? Call me pedantic, but that just seem unlikely.

Interesting...yet...strangely accurate comparison!

I loved this episode. I think it is probably the best episode in Star Trek history, but I realize that is a matter of personal opinion that many would disagree with. To this day, I get misty eyed when I think about that episode.

I was thinking “The Visitor” is DS9s “Inner Light” too.

Well...I was aware of that history....but I didn’t think anything I said was in conflict with it. While Gene was a pain in the butt with scripts, and not a very pleasant man to many that worked under him, his vision positive future for humanity and a more deeply thoughtful sci-fi was regularly expressed and present in

Well....I mean...a ten mile wide asteroid is probably going to be noticed a lot sooner than a 50 ft wide asteroid. We will at least have enough time to kiss our butts goodbye and provide protection for all the rich and smart people.

Nope...I agree that you can’t have this party without recognizing the good AND the bad of the day. Paramount took a big fat dump on Gene’s vision, just because they thought it needed reinvented for a new generation, but they made the same argument when Gene wanted to get TOS on the airways. People won’t like a

I completely agree. I think most of the true trekkers out there feel this way. But then you have that few that are like...”Oh...just have an opened mind! They had to make it fresh for a new audience because the old Trek would never work with today’s crowd.” I’m sorry....isn’t that what they said about the original?

So...I never got to see this much as a kid....maybe a few dozen episodes, and none of which I remember...but this article makes me want to watch every episode. It sounds so terrible it would be fun! I’ll watch it in tandem with episodes of Buck Rogers, and it will all be complete campiness.